New Zealand's three-strikes anti-piracy law is turning into a huge disappointment for copyright holders. The costs that are involved with sending...
There is slight issue with utorrent 2.2.1, and some of the recently auto-uploaded torrents. These torrents have been tested, and are working in...
Welcome DinoRider!! HDtorrents are pleased to annonce we got one more top-notch Internal ripper,in addition to already active HDMike....
The FBI has seized domains belonging to sites involved in pre-release music piracy. and now display the infamous...
The former operators of Megaupload have failed in a last-ditch effort to delay their U.S. extradition hearing. Kim Dotcom and his associates...
The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' tops the chart this week, followed by Minions.'...
Down Time Resolved (finally...) Quote: For those who are unaware, we have recently had some issues with our hosting provider. They were making...
Language matters. Whether we get to keep our liberties or not depends on whether those liberties are generally named in positive words. The same...
Thanks to its slick and easy-to-use interface, Popcorn Time has gained an impressive userbase since its launch early last year. In addition,...
About last night 13.09.2015: We had a crash (some torrents got deleted), so you might see red torrents with this error: "torrent unregistered...
UK TV Shows Quote: All UK TV shows that normally appear here are being recorded as usual but can't be uploaded at this time due to circumstances...
This week an Irish man was handed a four-year sentence for running a pirate linking site. The Court accepted that he led no lavish lifestyle. In...
【天空爱心 来自天空的正能量】|This announce is only for Chinese users 请你帮助一个7岁的白血病女孩,帮助这个已经完全崩溃的贫瘠的家庭 我们需要一个充满正能量、充满阳光的社会!...
"网站维护完成,重点提升了,站点更好的连接性,让每名会员都能以飞一般的速度访问本站。 如果还是有相关访问的问题,欢迎随时到论坛提交信息给我们,以便我们进一步优化! 网站临时全站免费一天!" Website maintenance is complete, the focus has...
Just a heads up!! PayPal is down for the time being. HKR is working to get it fixed. Please be patient. We'll get it fixed or a replacement if not!
As some of you may have already noticed, we're doing some work on our tracker. This isn't just regular maintenance: We're evaluating changes to...
Sony Pictures considered BitTorrent Inc. as a potential acquisition opportunity to diversify its business, leaked information reveals. The...
9/12 IMPORTANT UPDATE - DEADLINE EXTENSION AND GOAL ADJUSTMENT, REFLECTED BELOW People who attempt to make a profit off of torrenting are harmful...
Quote: 站点将在今天9月13号0时进行维护,预计2个小时左右!周知 Translate Quote: The site will be maintained in at 0:00 on September 13 today, it is expected to two hours...
Gone for Good Quote: We regret to announce that we have officially ceased attempts to revive STP. We had a good run, but the odds were too...
Happy 5th Birthday to TheGeeks! Guess what. We turned 5 years old this week! So how are we celebrating 5 years? Starting kindergarten? This...
"Este interzisă cererea de reputație pe forum, în comentarii, profil, mesaje private, etc. Încălcarea acestei reguli va duce la mute/disable." Se...
Sites preparing to offer free streams of this Saturday's Mayweather v Berto boxing match have been warned that they're being watched. Anti-piracy...
Internet users who illegally downloaded episodes of the new "Fear The Walking Dead" series got notifications from AMC. No legal strings attached...
Launch of the popular hacking series Mr Robot in Canada was scheduled for last week, but a false DMCA notice disrupted the event. Showcase was...
Momsen er VÆK Quote: Jeg er en hund efter gode tilbud... Og de næste 14 dage kan du derfor spare 25% som DonorDawg. Jeg har nemlig ædt momsen...
Supported by the French Government, several key players in the online payment industry are teaming up with copyright holders to ban infringing...
Set for alpha release in the coming weeks, Aurous is aiming to bring Popcorn Time simplicity and presentation to music content discoverable on...
Immáron 12. alkalommal, október 9-10. között lesz ismét Hacktivity, Kelet-Közép-Európa független IT Biztonsági Fesztiválja. A két napos eseményen...
irc is open , register your name Quote: Hello All, LF IRC Chat is open , register your name Team LF