Several prolific torrent uploaders have received an alarming message claiming to be from Warner Music UK. The email urges uploaders to delete...
Te invit sa participi la acest mini concurs click pe urmatorul link : 9089#649089 Mult...
Rampant password reuse means compromise could spill to other sites. Now that a hobbyist team has uncovered programming errors that make more than...
Love it or hate it but you probably love it Popcorn Time is a revolutionary app. And Federico Abad, the 29-year-old Buenos Aires-based...
Creative Economy Agency (Bekraf) is set to start an alert system for online piracy in January 2016. "Currently the system is not yet complete,...
New KRaLiMaRKo members Welcome the new KRaLiMaRKo members: TIG3R, singhvivek, cuccuc, APOLLO and ZMachine! They are still in test period but I...
After several 'pirate' sites were ordered to be blocked in Norway last week, prominent advertisers have now been sucked into the controversy. Not...
Showtime and Mayweather Productions have sued a website which plans to offer access to the upcoming Mayweather vs. Berto fight. The companies are...
The original driving force behind Popcorn Time has broken cover. Previously known under the pseudonym Sebastian, Argentinian designer Federico...
Donor Appreciation Special We love all our members, but the donors have an extra special place in our heart. Members make this community an...
V1.17 Change Log darksmooth theme added altered devusers page fixed request section view request icon size, increased darksmooth margin on...
Apologies for the recent downtime. Our server decided to take a break without asking -- Search fixed
2015.09.08 - 網站人員招募 1.「REMUX人員」 报名: 2.「重編碼壓制」 报名: 3.「字幕管理人員2名」...
Even more good news today. We have another great group joining the affiliate list. Please join us in giving a warm welcome to SDX. As with the...
Eurobasket 2015 Quote: Sveiki visi krepinio sirgaliai, iandien prasideda 39-tas Europos krepinio čempionatas, kuris rugsėjo 520 d. vyks...
Otwarta Rejestracja! Quote: STAFF HQS postanowił na jakiś czas ponownie otworzyć rejestracje na naszej stronce! Prosimy Was byście przekazali tę...
WordPress is taking a strong stance against rightsholders who abuse its takedown process. The company maintains a "hall of shame" which recently...
Ordered to block Popcorn Time "The movie business’ worst nightmare just happened. (…) There was a hole and somebody filled it" wrote Hollywood's...
Paul Mahoney from Londonderry, who had £82,000 in cash hidden in his home, receives four-year sentence... A man whose bedroom-run internet piracy...
subject: Site Down Time Hi Guys, As you may know the site was offline for close to 24-36 hours Reason being is the HDD on the site server...
A man from Northern Ireland who made an estimated £300,000 from advertising revenue on several sites, including the now-defunct streaming portal...
New Rules We have some very exciting news in store, but before we get there there's a few rule changes we should note: 1) DVD5s must contain...
2015.09.06 - 對於這兩天服務器不穩定的情況 由於服務器不穩定的原因,造成許多用戶登陸異常且出現紅种情況。對於出現紅种情況不用擔心數據上傳的問題, 服務器修復后Tracker會重新接收會員軟件向客戶端發送的數據。鑑於最近處於考覈期間,我們将在201...
Kim Dotcom and his former business partners want to delay an extradition hearing scheduled to take place in two weeks' time. The U.S. government...
Recently IPT have made another user friendly move. 2 New sections have been added - 1 Movies 2 TV Screenshot(All sensitive data is hidden in...
Freeleech around the Federation: 5 days countdown Happy birthday fantastiko - launched 12/9/2013
Waffles Staff Picks: September Waffles Staff Changes and Staff Picks - September Edition Welcome to the September edition of the
Windows mail(hotmail,outlook,windowslive) has banned our email, that means your recovery / confirmations / invite emails will not arrive neither...
A raid last week by the UK's Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit has done little to reduce the availability of packs containing the country's...
La mulţi ani, FileList! A mai trecut un an, un an în care v-am oferit diverse materiale care v-au satisfăcut poftele, curiozitatea și poate în...