After being offline for more than six weeks the crew of The Pirate Bay has provided a new teaser suggesting the site's return. With just 10 days...
Hoping to put a dent in ever-growing piracy rates, the MPAA will try to convince domain names registries to stop doing business with pirate sites....
Update: Referrals are temporarily disabled while we are having server issues, sorry for any inconvenience, we will resolve the issues ASAP!...
We upgrade the code .. You can see all on your profile anymore torrent is hit & run there you write ... (What I downloaded) In each torrent will...
After signing an anti-piracy deal with Xunlei last year the MPAA is already suing the Chinese file-sharing giant. What went wrong is unclear but...
About ProDJ DWA ProDJ to rip audio files with Dwan is prohibited distributed in the hereafter afrbitsd paid server that sells movies from...
American Sniper grossed record numbers at the U.S. box office this weekend. A surprising result, not least because a high quality leak was widely...
Julia Reda, a politician for the German Pirate Party and member of the European Parliament, has this morning released her draft report for the...
The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies' tops the chart this week, followed by...
This week I've learned something new. Apparently, some copyright industry lawyers genuinely believe that everything created today could not...
[MEDIA] View:
Üdv. Az swz oldalt nem keverném ide.. Mert, különbség van egy open tracker, és egy olyan privát oldal között, amin szabad regisztráció van. Nem is...
Sikerült megegyezni a tárgyalások folyamán, az Insane szeretettel fogadja tagjainkat átregisztrálás formájában. Az átregisztrálás előnye, hogy...
Szia hmarci97 ! Jeff Bridges miatt lehet hogy én is megnézem, remélem feledteti velem a szellemzsarukat XD
Tudom vannak, akiket zavarnak az értesítések, de sokan használják, és így találnak be témákba, tehát meg van a haszna. Akit zavar, nem figyel rá :P
Szia kiscsibe. Azokat a hozzászólásokat jelzi, amiket még nem láttál. Kattint a kétszer a kis zászlóra, és ott könnyebben megtudod tekinteni.
Ezek decemberi témák XD A gond az lenne, ha a dátum megegyezne XD
Az a baj, hogy sok oldal a szabályok szigorításától várja a fejlődést, pedig a sok "fölösleges" dolog, inkább csak visszaveti az oldalt. Ha egy...
[IMG] When an incomplete and early version of the X-Men Origins: Wolverine leaked to torrent sites in 2009, Twentieth Century Fox announced that...
Former Pirate Bay operator Fredrik Neij is currently the last person serving his sentence for his involvement with the notorious torrent site. To...
Como bien figura en la norma número 9 de las "Normas generales para el foro y chat". Esta totalmente prohibido pedir soporte a miembros del Staff...
网站开放邀请即遭受攻击,邀请邮件发未收到的,可使用HASH注册,HASH注册链接: 将此XXX处替换为HASH粘贴到浏览器打开即可注册,邮件功能待邮件服务器恢复后开放!...
Well its been a tough time but all of our servers are up.Hopefully it stays this way.We had as most of you know upgraded Twilights server a couple...
Referrals have been issued on a user class basis as follows: Power User (2 invites), Super Power User (3 invites), Elite (4 invites), Super Elite...
When torrent sites go offline millions of users are disappointed with the downtime but what if one could copy a torrent site and run it on a...
The Staff is aware of some desjaustes account when seed points and hours, we suspect it may be because: Dump the database was made to keep the...
一个歌手去世,全民哀悼;一个布鞋院士和一个曾经参加越战的前军委副主席去世却鲜有报道,全民最大的悲哀! !!!乌烟瘴气的快餐文化已经把精神文明和音乐的本质都搅浑的一塌糊涂! Translate Chinese to English A singer dies, the people...
We are pleased to announce we have positions open for Moderators We are looking for people who have a little time to spare to contribute to the...
938LIVE reports: The Singapore branch of the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry aims to get ISPs to block infringing sites such...
With a rather peculiar takedown request Hollywood is going after, one of the largest collections of cultural and educational media...