Site is still under DDoS attack, please be patient. The tracker is currently online.
The staff has come up with an idea to help members get free Bonus Points, Freeleeches, and Invites. What we plan on doing is having a contest in...
The developers of the anonymous Bittorrent client Tribler today released a new version fixing a critical security issue preventing users of being...
[IMG] Torrents have grown up and are now making money for artists. File sharing company BitTorrent has announced in a blog post Thom Yorke’s...
If you encounter problems accessing, go with confidence on our Facebook page to find out any news. | Facebook Torrent-they...
Down for maintenance we will be back shortly....
Due to The Lottery we are holding off on The Nominations and Voting for a Staff Picks. The Lottery will end on Feb 10th and the Nominations and...
Hey fellow users of TvT, As many of you are very much aware, we are currently under constant DDoS attack. UPDATE : The situation is under...
We would like to announce a small rule change with regard to uploading TV eps and samples: for all torrents, internal or otherwise, having a...
Earlier this week the 2015 Oscar nominees were announced, an event that inspired many people to check out the contenders. This increased interest...
Serious HW failure in our DataCentre! Please bear with us till its fixed. Sorry for that! We will keep you updated hopefully it will be fixed in...
The decision by the Australian Classification board to refuse classification for the game Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number, is set to spectacularly...
Male Sexual QiGong GB Yadi Alamin – The Qigong Therapist GB: 1) Male Sexual QiGong 2) QiGong For Serious Health Conditions 3) QiGong For...
Facing trouble from the Italian .it registry, the popular TV-torrent site EZTV has ditched its .it domain name. The impact of the intervention is...
Changes have been applied. There may be bugs, please report any weirdness to this forum thread. Later this afternoon we will be performing site...
Uploader applications are opened Please don't apply unless you really want to help our small and humble community. Inactive uploaders are...
this site is about to force open https member please proceed as follows 1. After the user has logged in, please login again to exit the new seeds...
The crew behind the Golden Globe-winning, Oscar-nominated movie Leviathan say they won't sue pirates who download a screener copy of their movie....
Én nem tudok semmit semmiről. Legfőképpen azt nem, ki az a dark. De azt hiszem ez az ő jele: .,, Ha valaki kirakja megjelenik mint a batman :D
Jó lett volna más címet adni a bejegyzésnek, mivel az elmúlt időszak cikkei is (sajnos) hasonló címet viselnek. Valami rossz lehet a levegőben,...
Szia @Darwina, ide is bemásolom a hírt. Futtassuk fel ezt a témát is még egyszer útjára.. 2015-01-16 - Sajnálattal kell közölnünk a kedves...
Sziasztok. Igaza van robertonak, az ncore valóban felszippantja a felhasználókat. De a másik gond talán ez a zártság. Ha pretorians-ra és a...
[IMG] With 2015 now upon us, it is now our turn to celebrate the occasion and wish everyone a good start for the new year! We are very happy to...
Hoping to deter and stop the ongoing threat of 'cyber' attacks President Obama unveiled new cybersecurity plans yesterday. While the plans don't...
ALWAYS READ it, then DELETE it, to keep from asking questions that are clearly answered in posts like this one. This was sent to everyone and has...
In a first of its kind case a student accused of attempting to pirate the 3D movie Gravity has been completely cleared by a court in the UK. The...
[IMG] Leaderboard: End of Day 11 [IMG] 1. Messiadbunny - 1549 2. jldeep - 568 3. nostromo 412 4. VibroDog - 379 5. SpecialAgentDaleCooper - 316...
The mandatory piracy notifications that were implemented to deter copyright infringement in Canada have boosted the interest in anonymous...
PLUS you could win loads of upload gigs or karma and really get a ratio boost Click HERE to view all Comps Brain Teasers Countdown Hidden Number...
- WESTERNS - for every uploaded WESTERN in JANUARY 2015 you will receive 5 Gb, another 3 Gb if not yet on the site + 1Gb for every collection item...