The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'Get Hard' tops the chart this week, followed by ‘Run All Night.' 'Kingsman: The...
Staff would like to THANK everyone who has donated last month. It was the first time we have ever made 100% in Donations. Any month we cover the...
Rightscorp has decided to squeeze more money from BitTorrent users it accuses of downloading Warner Bros. TV shows. [ATTACH] In a move that's...
Update :-Mail server it's up and running, invites can be send! Also, the invites you send during the DDOS should be arrived at the destination....
Nintendo has seized a large quantity of copyright infringing cookies featuring popular game characters, fearing that these could cause health...
AsiaTorrent's 10 Year Anniversary! Free-leech on all torrents till 17 June 2015 (13:00 GMT) Thank you for being with us and making this the...
After 2 years of this site being called the-revival I think we have now been well and truly revived, We have changed the domain name to something...
Please take our new poll on the home page. We are not interested in how you vote or who voted for what, we just need the numbers as accurate as...
Spanish police arrested a man they called one of the most active and well known uploaders of pirated series and films. In keeping with standard...
Ludlam's lone voice of dissent drowned out. The parliamentary committee investigating the government's bill to allow content owners to apply for...
After the seized Megaupload and Megavideo domains ran malicious ads last month, there is more Mega domain strangeness to report. Various domain...
Downtime We are sorry for the downtime. There were some issues from iplay side, the important thing is that we are back online. Don't forget to...
新注册的用户 5天内没有流量产生或者连续7天不登录 账号将被系统删除 老用户连续60天不登录 而且没达到保号等级或者没有挂起 账号将被系统删除 Translate: Newly registered users generate no traffic or five days for...
Kickass Torrents, Pirate Bay, Torrentz Users Targeted In Movie Studios Malware Warning Attack On Top File Sharing Sites The MPA is planning a new...
Viacom-owned TV giant CANAL+ has been hacked, TorrentFreak can reveal. In a now deleted DMCA notice sent to the Github code repository, a legal...
We have maintenance planned on Wednesday the 17th of June. Downtime could range from 10 minutes to several days depending on our host.. Hopefully...
In recent months copyright lobby groups have pressured the domain name system oversight body ICANN to take action against pirate sites. The...
Google has failed in its efforts to overturn a worldwide site-blocking order handed down by a Canadian court in 2014. The British Columbia Court...
Come be a part of TD! and chat with fellow members, win stuff too! Welcome to TorrentDay's official IRC!!
The European Commissions Vice-President has admitted that EU copyright law is pushing people to steal, because users end up seeking pirated...
Piracy websites like The Pirate Bay could soon be blocked in Australia, with the Copyright Amendment (Online Infringement) Bill 2015 getting the...
Sellers of Android boxes loaded with software enabling the free viewing of movies, TV shows and live sports have been raided this week by UK...
Hey guys, Our email system is broken at the moment but it should be fixed soon. So everyone who throw some invites to your friends just PM staff...
Despite being run by 'scammers' the EZTV website is still drawing millions of visitors per week. However, the site is getting little love from...
The staff OF XtremeZone, invites designers to show off their talents and produce: Themes Avatars (Default Avatar) Logos (Banners) Userbars The...
YIFY, RARBG Torrent Services Compete To Provide Free Movie Downloads First: But Video Quality Beats Quantity You'd never think people who...
The Australian parliamentary committee investigating the government's 'pirate' site-blocking Bill has given the legislation the green light. In a...
The doors of the new site should be open this morning But don't expect a whole lot of torrents as it's going to be a slow process. You will need...
Liebe Community Am 14.06.15 um 20 Uhr findet eine Accountbereinigung und die Verlosung des Seedbonuses statt. Aktueller Seedbonus-Jackpot:...
We hope everyone is enjoying the site, we are getting ready to prune torrents so we suggest if you have any torrents that are showing 0/seeds to...