Dear friends, Unfortunately, we had another DDOS these days. As you probably noticed, the website and the tracker have been working without...
Coppersurfer, one of the largest torrent trackers on the Internet, has been targeted by copyright holders throughout Europe. Most recently, a...
Kim Dotcom's dream of a people-powered, censorship-resistant Internet will rely on the goodwill of supporters to get off the ground. In an...
from the moral-panic-du-jour dept Perhaps it's time to make an update to Reefer Madness, entitled Torrent Madness. A totally out of touch and...
We want to remind hit & run rules: All downloaded torrents must be kept 12 hours at seed accumulated for three days,no big deal ... minimum would...
Academic publishing company Elsevier has filed a complaint at a New York District Court, hoping to shut down the Library Genesis project and the...
Speaking at Midem yesterday, Andrus Ansip of the European Commission shared his vision for the Digital Single Market. Noting that geo-blocking is...
Weisung IRC-Nick (Heute) Hi Com, um den IRC #Community Chan wieder etwas sauberer zu bekommen, haben wir uns dafür entschieden eine...
NEWS DISCUSSIONS :: IMPORTING CHANGE COMING - API Hello RFM, Please take the time to read this announcement, especially when you're using our...
- May's Ass Fucking Competition is now officially over, thanks to all who participated and voted. And congrats to OfficerDown - if you haven't...
The former operator of the SurfTheChannel streaming site who received a landmark four year sentence in 2012 is facing another lengthy stretch...
[ATTACH] The iconic sitcom Friends aired its last episode more than a decade ago, but that doesn't mean Warner Bros. is letting people pirate...
Pirate Bay block: New study finds corelation between blocking of file sharing websites and increase in legal file streaming revenues There has...
We haven't even gotten an official look at Apple's music streaming service yet but it already has a big weight on its shoulders. It seems like...
Just a small update in regards to the stylesheets. With the help of evilryu several changes have been made: - Added a stylesheet "Greyed A" -...
Waffles Staff Picks - June Edition It's time for a new batch of staff picks, and we have some nice ones for you this month. The theme for June is...
The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'Run All Night' tops the chart this week, followed by ‘Kingsman: The Secret...
Help us congratulate DDR on their 7th anniversary. [Here] They have entertained us with their incredibly wide variety of releases. They are here...
Yet another shady backroom so-deceptively-called "free trade" agreement, TISA, has come to light. Just like all the others, this one seeks to...
Given our reserve funds are now totally depleted For a limited time, those that donate will get the following: - Double benefits (VIP-months,...
AsiaTorrent's 10 Year Anniversary! (June 03 2015) Free-leech on all torrents till 17 June 2015 (13:00 GMT) Thank you for being with us and...
Starting in the late 90s, illegal filesharing gradually brought the music industry to its knees. In these exclusive extracts from his compelling...
Private Tracker Flowchart Ver 3.0 [ATTACH]
The BitComet Incident, December 2005 BitComet, one of the dominant BitTorrent clients at the time, came out in support of the mainline DHT...
DHT, the much misunderstood, frequently maligned, yet somewhat critical aspect of Bittorrent turned ten recently. Launched initially by the...
The Beginning of Summer Freeleech!!!! Starting tomorrow, June 5th, until Sunday, June 21st, the 1st day of summer, all torrents on site will be...
Vreau sa multumesc tuturor pentru rabdarea de care ati dat dovada alaturi de noi, totul merge impecabil acum. Speram sa nu mai fie probleme dar...
Hi, Just to let you know that there will be some changes coming up soon Probally with in the next 24 hours. We will probally be moving to a new...
Online content pirates are regularly labeled 'thieves' by entertainment industry companies. However, we're now seeing genuine customers being...
高清城市祝广大考生高考顺利,正常发挥,记得携带好各种证件,各种文具,保持一个良好的心情和正确的心态对 待考试。 Translate: HD city college entrance examination, I wish the majority of candidates well,...