Leechtime bug fixed Hi everyone! The bug on counting leeching time was fixed. All members leechtime was reset to 1s. Thanks a lot for supporting UHD.
HTTPS Changes Hey guys, In light of recent events and the errors our users are experiencing in the RSS feed, autodl-irssi, sickrage, and so on we...
More than 1000 venues are facing fines for illegally broadcasting the Mayweather v Pacquiao fight REMEMBER the secret police trying to crack...
Ukraine and the United States plan to jointly fight violation of copyrights online in Ukraine in 2016, the Ukrainian-U.S. Trade and Investment...
Australia's Copyright Agency has welcomed a decision by the British High Court requiring internet service providers (ISPs) to block access to...
As always these will be freeleech for this month ONLY. All previous Freeleech picks are now back to normal. To qualify on downloading FREELEECH...
June Store Update: Spin Logic https://whatimg.com/i/kFaIxF.png It's somehow June already. We're each a bit older, and some of us are a bit...
Baldy's Sweetness: June 2015 (Holy Mountain Records) http://i.imgur.com/VtsFptT.jpg Great experimental/psych/noise/wtf label. All relevant...
Σας ενημερώνουμε ότι η Προσωρινή αδυναμία σύνδεσης με την σελίδα οφειλόταν σε πρόβλημα του Datacenter και πρόβλημα Hardware στο server. Το...
We have decided to re-introduce application signups!. This means that everyone who is worthy will get a guaranteed chance of being a member here...
The MPAA is advising the U.S. Government's Internet Policy Task Force to help combat piracy, which they say poses a great cybersecurity threat....
SickRage clients are not longer banned, please fix authkey / torrentkey if your having problems, we have started banning ips. Donor contest...
The US federal court delivered a very interesting judgment against a Dallas Buyers Club pirate. Due to "financial hardship", she was allowed not...
Szép volt srácok.
The PR disaster for geo-unblocking software Hola has deepened with a report from cybersecurity firm Vectra. In addition to revealing a console...
SP Cost Halved On Recycled Torrents Firstly after an overwhelming majority of members voted in a recent poll to keep recycled torrents I can...
Jun-02-15 - Pirates IRC Launched We be lookin' fer new crew hands. If ye 'ave got what it takes to be a pirate then head over to our new IRC...
Three days of downtime are matched with three days of site-wide freeleech at GGn. Host issues are resolved and the tracker's back up, so come...
Welcome to another NewsBot announcement ! For quite a while not we have only been able to accept donations in BitCoins. But that is now hopefully...
Seed Bonus Points are now calculated with a new formula that takes into consideration the following: 1) number of torrents : First, you receive 1...
Myth 1: Piracy is a fringe behaviour conducted only by geeks and dodgy people with a general disregard for the law Ready for a reality check?...
Pirate Bay co-founder Fredrik Neij has been released from prison today. Neij was the last person to serve a custodial sentence handed down after...
Official IRC has moved to p2p-network Due to ongoing problems with the brokensphere IRC network (it has been rent in twain for a while now with...
iPT Home Page is updated. Click here to take a look at it! http://iptorrents.ru/indexipt.php
Hi everyone! The bug on counting leeching time was fixed. All members leechtime was reset to 1s. Thanks a lot for supporting UHD.
TCO HaB encode of the month - June This month, we feature an encode from HaB encoder, and current staff member: imdb. This month's featured...
Police say they have smashed "a criminal group" involved with the unauthorized distribution of video online. Three men in their twenties and...
Please note! Soon a new virus can steal your accounts, or even to use a stolen account also harm you! We ask you to change your password...
Starting Today torrents XXX and programs are found only in dedicated categories and can be found in search,but no longer appear on the browse...
if you guys are tired of all those ads, popups and other stupid fake buttons. A friend told me about www.xpexplorer.com Just wanted to let you...