The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'Kingsman: The Secret Service' tops the chart this week, followed by ‘Chappie.' 'San...
We have been a full closed doors tracker since August 2014. We decided that after almost a year, it's time to get new blood in, to spice up the...
It's been awhile since we've had really great news on the front page, and it's about damn time that we have some of the best news that your...
Poll contest To mend the dreadful situation with the lack of news and declining quality of the polls, I decided to kill both birds with one stone...
There are only a few hours left until Redemption closes doors and becomes totally private again,so take advantage of the time left give all your... - History movies - for every uploaded on "History Movies" in June 2015 you will receive 5 Gb, another 3 Gb if not...
June Master of the Month Film: The Wednesday Play & Play for Today 20 years of British TV drama from the BBC (1964 - 1984). And as usual, all...
Bonjour membre de Tspate; Le Staff Tspate, tire son chapeau bien bas pour vous remercier de votre collaboration et vos intérêts pour notre...
Donations Reminder Hello, Its again the time of the month when we have to ask for your donations. With being stuck at only 19% at the end of...
Demonii and OpenBitTorrent, the two most popular torrent trackers on the Internet, are now regularly handling up to 56 million peers - each. The...
Remember our last notice? "Invite are open from 27 May 2015 00:00 GMT+8 to 30 May 2015 00:00 GMT+8." So invite date will be extend until 10th...
Major UK Internet providers must block three additional sports streaming sites as part of a High Court order. The latest blocking round was issued...
Popular CDN service CloudFlare has denied allegations from the RIAA that accuse the company of aiding and abetting piracy. Warning against a...
The popularity and accessibility of Netflix has affected the way Bittorent is used. People are taking to Netflix and moving away from piracy....
Jusquici, inviter quelquun cest surtout prendre le risque davoir des ennuis si un invité déconne. Ya pas grand chose à gagner, mis à part la...
Dear Bitspyder Community, :arrow: The Bitspyder IRC Channel is back!! :arrow2: The Bitspyder staff created an Internet Relay Chat(IRC) channel...
We just want to let you guys know about some things: - New OST section is up and running, also ost torrents have different detail page from...
In the wake of a UN report urging the protection of encryption and anonymity, a website run by a human rights organization that monitors...
Frühlingsaktion vom 13.05 - 31.05 Wir öffnen für die Aktion die Pforten! Wenn Ihr einen Freund oder Bekannte habt den Ihr einladen wollt, gibt...
2015-05-29 14:30 UPDATE 3: After about 4 hours of hard work by our tech staff, we are back. Some hickups might still occur. If you notice anything...
Popular torrent site has decided to throw in the towel after receiving a hand delivered letter from the MPAA. The Hollywood studios...
May-29-15 - New Theme Dark theme is now available! Go to Personal > Profile and select it under Stylesheet. Enjoy!
In a landmark lawsuit over the legality of the Dutch Pirate Bay blockade, Attorney General Van Peursem has advised that the case should be sent to...
Oline piracy continues to thrive amid a rise in streaming websites, according to a report released Tuesday by Internet safety organization Digital...
A new report sheds some light on network traffic on this side of the Atlantic, and has some surprising findings. The report from Canadian company...
Dear all, it is likely that KG will experience operational disruption of a week or two (no definitive ETA). KG may continue to operate with very...
A new report from the United Nations has underlined the importance of encryption and anonymity in the digital age. Penned by a UN special...
Site up Well, sort of... You see some missing stuff and most of the torrents are gone. Stay tune for changes and updates. Expecting torrents to...
Subject: Radio Contest I will be giving away VIP to listeners on FuN Radio. When I play Up In Smoke (cheech & chong) The 1st listener to post in...
Уважаемые знатоки! Добро пожаловать на 7 раунд состязания "Кроп-фактор" или "давай угадывай игру по кусочку скрина и не кочевряжься". Напоминаем...