We just want to let you guys know about some things: - New OST section is up and running, also ost torrents have different detail page from...
Popcorn Time, the Bittorrent-based movie-streaming service, has been reeling legally as of last month as some countries has started its clamp down...
Pirate Bay, Kickass Torrents and Other Torrent Sites Under Threat of Possible Legal Sanctions In the midst of continuing battle against online...
The federal Labor party is expected to back a bill before parliament that would result in the blocking of websites facilitating piracy, Fairfax...
Dallas Buyers Club piracy case: ISPs want $108,000 before they hand over alleged pirates' identities The owners of the Hollywood film Dallas...
If you've followed the Rangers' quest for the Stanley Cup, then you've had a few options if you've wanted to watch. You could buy a ticket,...
When Canada enacted its notice-and-notice system to combat unauthorized downloading, many of Hollywoods biggest copyright holders argued the...
While plenty of sites infringe copyright on a regular basis, this site is never one of them. However, that doesn't stop copyright holders from...
The best way for Hollywood to defeat piracy is by making content available, legally. To further this effort dozens of video on demand services...
Szegény Pirate Bay-ről az utóbbi időben sok jót nem tudtunk írni – azon kívül persze, hogy hosszú hallgatás útán újraéledtek. Most ismét egy...
NEW SITE RULE Hello All, For member and site security, topics and open discussion about donation issues and/or site issues relating to...
48 hours Site Wide Free Leech Event.. * The Site Wide Memorial Day Free Leech Event is off and running...!!! You've waited long enough campers,...
Abend Comm, die Seite läuft absofort unter HTTP und HTTPS. Ihr könnt auch bei den DLs auswählen ob HTTP oder HTTPS. So viel Spaß Greetz //...
Cox Communications, one of the largest telecoms companies in the U.S., has been ordered to expose the identities of 250 of its subscribers whose...
Bitbucket Der Speicher fürs Bitbucket wurde auf knapp 300 MB pro User erhöht Translate Bitbucket The memory for bitbucket was increased to...
We're well aware of the issues with the tracker and Hit and Runs appearing even though many of you are still seeding and receiving "Connectable:...
A long-running criminal case against a private torrent site and its hosting provider has come to an end. After more than three and a half years,...
Liebe TurboWolke Mitglieder, Wir wünschen Euch schöne, frohe, erholsame Pfingsttage und damit es den Daheimgebliebenen unter Euch am...
A few days ago it was revealed that Google is forwarding controversial settlement demands from copyright holders to its subscribers. Responding to...
The Pirate Bay has lost one of its new domain names after an intervention from South Georgia's .GS registry. While the domain suspension wasn't...
If you live in the UK and are unable to load IPTorrents then Start using iPT Browser ;-)
Donations closed and other stuff to note Well it looks like you guys/gals did it again! We are temporarily closing donations as we have enough to...
[IMG] A Supergirl című sorozat pilotját (azaz első, bevezető részét) idén novemberben fogják sugározni a CBS csatornán. A pilot azonban valahogy...
After escaping from the planet Krypton years ago, 24-year-old Kara Zor-El is embracing her superhuman abilities. Better known as Supergirl, her...
There is an air of change here at What.CD Airlines. It is with great sadness that we bid farewell to our parting staff members, puddy and...
Google Fiber is allegedly acting as a conduit for automatic demands for money in relation to piracy and copyright infringement. Google Fiber, the...
It's taken more than two years for Swedish authorities to seize two key Pirate Bay domains but over in the United States the process is...
Copyright holders around the world are doing everything in their power to stop Popcorn Time. Following the UK example, Israeli media companies...
Just because you are not a customer of iiNet does not mean you are going to avoid being fined for illegally downloading Dallas Buyers Club. The...
The recent update to BitTorrent Sync 2.0.120 introduces several usability improvements to the file synchronization and sharing application. The...