As of 19.05.2015 has started the 'Limited Offer Torrents', which aims to preserve packs a long time tracker, highlighting the work of uploaders,...
Kính gửi toàn thể thành viên BQT xin thông báo kể từ ngày 21/5/2015 , viettorrent sẽ chính thức sử dụng tên miền mới Kể...
As is the case with a lot of staff members, we are often pulled away from our duties by real life issues. Today it is with sadness that we have...
Airing anime is finally arriving. To start off, we're testing out the system with four shows: Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works Plastic...
18-05-2015 May's Featured Artist of the Month - Juraj Jakubisko Regularly from now on we'll be highlighting the work of a less well-known...
Popular TV-torrent release group EZTV is no more. After losing key domain names and data in a hostile takeover, EZTV founder NovaKing has called...
Sitewide freeleech from now to 2015-05-20 00:00:00 (GMT+7). Happy Uncle Ho's birthday. Enjoy.
According to a government agency responsible for promoting Sweden overseas, the country has several major brands to thank when it comes to being...
The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'Ex Machina' tops the chart this week, followed by ‘Project Almanac.' 'Jupiter...
The RIAA continues to reduce its workforce, which has been slashed in half in just five years. According to the organization's latest tax return...
The IRC service is running. //Staff.
Developers considering adding a torrent search engine to their portfolio should proceed with caution, especially if they value their income...
Demonii, one of the largest BitTorrent trackers on the Web recently had to ban over 10,000 torrent hashes because of copyright-infringements....
'R3字幕組 誠徵人手 字幕校正,條件如下: 有耐心,細心,不需任何技術,但必須要看懂繁體。 時間充裕者尤佳。 DIY者,條件如下 : 有基本的DIY經驗,帶寬及有幾個PT的帳號。 有意願者,請連繫 QQ2810110034。謝謝。' Translate: 'R3...
Ignoring copyright infringement warnings is something thousands of Internet users do every month but for two alleged music pirates things are...
The Pirate Bay, Kickass Torrents, Torrentz And Other File Sharing Site Domains Targeted In New SOPA-Like Initiative A consortium of entertainment...
Our hardware running IRC broke down 3 days ago. We are currently installing this on a brand new server with the latest versions of our IRC server....
May-15-15 - BBKing
NG Serier søger FRISK BLOD til at hjælpe til med det ugentlige arbejde med at oversætte alle de fede serier fra engelsk til godt dansk. Brugerne...
Demonii, the largest standalone BitTorrent tracker on the Internet, has been forced to ban more than 10,000 'copyright-infringing' torrent hashes....
WE HAVE A NEW CONTEST! CHECK HERE! Today we start a new contest, we have a lot of prizes for those who will enter the contest and this is a...
Facebook has removed the official page of ExtraTorrent after complaints from copyright holders. With more than 350,000 fans ExtraTorrent had one...
*BitSoup:* Lets fix a small concern I have about the topic. This is not something I have spoken about as a option for Bitsoup. Yet as I troll the...
A few days after music streaming service Grooveshark shut down and settled with the major record labels, the site was 'resurrected' by unknown...
Signup's will be closing this weekend. Please let your friends and family know if they wish to join as we wont be opening singups for a long time...
Social media is awash in a sea of spoilers, but now a couple of new live streaming apps are creating concerns about piracy at the worlds more...
Mega has released a report today to rebut allegations the data storage and encryption company is a cyberlocker platform thats specifically... has today published an independent report which refutes claims that the site is a piracy haven. The analysis, carried out by Olswang,...
Kim Dotcom and the movie industry don't exactly get along. Dotcom is wanted by the FBI for allegedly pirating millions of dollars' worth of...