Anime / Boxsets uploaders wanted! We have opened some slots for new uploaders on Anime and Boxsets(TV or not) section! If you have an archive,...
The CCIA, which represents global tech firms including Google, Facebook and Microsoft, is protesting a broad injunction that would require search...
Dear friends and enemies (lol) , We stand here and ask ourselves, why do people DDOS sites? Why would they spend money on this? They want our...
BeyondHD monthly Lotto draw! Available to classes User +. Lotto can be found in profile/links/lotto. So stock up on BP for the end of the month...
A court in Hamburg, Germany, has ruled that YouTube is not required to actively monitor user uploads for pirated content. The court found that...
A lawfirm well known for its anti-piracy activities defrauded its entertainment industry clients out of millions, an investigation has found....
A change was made to the tracker earlier today to correct the problem with torrents timing out en masse. Hopefully the issue is now fixed, and...
关于再次招收一波压制员、发布员、保种员的通知 各位任性小伙伴: 我们站的种子数量久久不能突破3000,让大家的激情都有些消退了。虽说大盘现在直朝3800点崩溃,但是 我们还是要力挽狂澜么不是。好吧,我怎么思维突然跳跃了。...
HDX Internal Welcome New Internal Team HDX aka HDclassiX HDX is BeyondHD's newest Internal team specializing in older classic BluRay Remuxes...
It is common knowledge that pirated CDs and DVDs of almost all latest films hit the market within hours of their release. The Kannada film...
In an effort to reclaim an estimated $67 million in assets, Megaupload's legal team has appealed the forfeiture the U.S. Government won earlier...
Publisher Notice on a wave of repression who recruit again, members of conservation Members wayw Quote: Number of seeds we stood for a long time... - standard chat channel - help channel - announce channel //Staff.
Buried Treasures of the Vault Win freeleech, ratio, and the admiration of your peers. Click here!
The 01/07 2015 fills DanishBits 10 years. In this context we would like to delight our users with some goodies. You can therefore look forward to...
2015-07-01 July Master of the Month Film/TV/Video: Groupe de Recherches Musicales Music/Radio: Groupe de Recherches Musicales Literature:...
It is that time of the year again: blue skies, sandy beaches, and more spare time than you know what to do with. Summer (in the northern...
A team of researchers from universities in London and Rome have published a paper in which they claim that many of the world's top VPN providers...
Quote: Show / Hide 2015-06-28 16:59:16 - Exactly five years ago started again Insane! Free registration yet! 3 days NOHnR action! More. Dear...
In a new filing at a Washington District Court, Google has called out the MPAA for its "cozy" relationship with the Mississippi General Attorney....
Most internet anonymity software leaks users’ details Services used by hundreds of thousands of people in the UK to protect their identity on the...
Hello staff and all users We are going to be put offline for few days to upgrade . so please dont get panic we are still alive . site may be...
Dear all, advice/help for seeding your torrents via the new domain is available in this forum topic: link If you're experiencing difficulty with...
Another Promotion !!!! laptribe has been elevated to the rank of Uploader! You can celebrate his promotion and Congratulate him Here
Fill A Special Request 2 Months For the period from 1st July to 31st August 2015 all uploads of Criterion, MoC/Eureka and the BFI DVDs and BDs...
Officers from a UK-based Regional Organized Crime Unit (ROCU), the Government Agency Intelligence Network (GAIN) and the Federation Against...
It is now possible to report his case with one to five stars, where one star is bad and 5 stars is super good. It is also possible to attach a...
Recent legal developments are changing the privacy landscape and the practical consequences of online piracy, even for small time offenders....