As Tone Deaf recently reported, it seems the end for piracy in Australia could be nigh. The federal government have passed a bill giving power to...
Known as La Ley Mordaza (The Gag Law), Spain's new anti-piracy law is forcing torrent and streaming sites to close, including the country's...
The music industry has won a landmark ruling in France where a local magazine was fined 10,000 for showing readers how and where pirated films...
There's that old joke that you've probably heard (in part because we've mentioned it in other contexts), about the drunk man searching for his...
Critics say the government's new laws to fight online piracy won't work as it is revealed 67 per cent of the most pirated films this month are not...
Hello all, Here we have a midsummer mélange of picks from the Staff team, the Build Team, and two special Legend picks. Put on your shades, pull...
HD4free Artists Rejoice. We have a banner cometition. wew looking forward to your submissions. discuss it here :shot:
Domain name registrar Namecheap has been ordered to hand over the personal and financial details of one of its customers who's suspected of...
Seeding times are 24 hours or 1.1 ratio per torrent! Do not go by client time! As you have to take into account that however long it takes you...
由于众所周知的原因,可能本站不再适合存在于国内,可能交由外籍人员打理,未来可能全面英语化,完完全全的 外站,主要管理层也由外籍人员担任。请大家现在不要到处问为什么是英文了,不能变中文了的问题 。...
Site News : Social Ban have been implemented. All user, please take a note. "Social Ban" have been implemented to the site function. What is...
As lobbyists push for mandatory porn filtering, Telstra has overhauled its opt-in "clean feed" and bundled it with other family-friendly features....
In recent times its become common for 'pirate' sites to use U.S.-based Cloudflare as a 'shield' from the outside world and copyright holders in...
BitHQ Goodies For the foreseeable future the option to "Goodie" torrents (by our members) has been currently removed due to coding issues. Goodies...
Encoders wanted!
Apple's biggest rival when it launches its $10-a-month streaming music service on Tuesday might not be Spotify or Tidal, but piracy. About a...
The widely used anti-malware application Malwarebytes is offering pirates a free 12 month upgrade under the newly launched "amnesty" program. The...
The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'Mad Max: Fury Road' tops the chart this week, followed by ‘Jurassic World.'...
Today is closed from noon to register for free. Welcome to our new users and also ask them to inform on WIKI page, the basic rules and...
Every day Google processes more than a million takedown requests, sent in by dozens of specialized anti-piracy outfits. While most of these...
Just to let all of you know with the recent PayPal issues we are killing the url The new Twilight will be...
Last week Pirate Bay founder Gottfrid Svartholm lost his appeal against his hacking conviction in Denmark. With an August release potentially on...
Hello and welcome to Digital Gamers Hive!! The Digital Gamers Hive is all about gaming with the Digital Hive community. I’m sure that there must...
All pending requests and ratios have been fixed. Every request that was made but then didn't show up in the list are now finally visible. Sorry...
Unfortunate to report that is dead. Quote: Återigen har Henrik Pirate Pontén visat att är en stor nagel i ögat för...
Had a hardware failure so the site was down for quite a few hours, everything SHOULD be back now tho, please report bugs etc
This is adressed to our foreign (non-romanian) members. Years ago, when the ICE Age was just beggining, this site was created mostly for romanian...
We're continuing the trend of trying a new format with every auction. This month's format is a Vickrey auction. We'll be using the simple...
In a lawsuit filed by Elsevier, one of the largest academic publishers, is facing millions of dollars in damages. However, the site...
Currently, the new development of IMDb and watercress score display feature is on the line, which provides more reference to download , and...