BitTorrent has built solid reputation with the masses as being an instrument for 'free' but could it perform better and prove more popular with...
few small changes. upload scene upload offline for some tweaks etc, Freeleech untill 5h of july
All acab & titan encodes are not to uploaded anywhere else!.
If agency's proposal to ban proxy services goes through, anyone who operates a "commercial'' website would have their phone number and physical...
The proliferation of video streaming services in Australia in 2015 was meant to finally start chipping away at that favourite of national...
The co-chief of Village Roadshow, Graham Burke, is on a mission to convince Australians that online piracy is wrong - and he's prepared to sue you...
People in the US and UK can now donate to Twilight (if you so wish to) using your Gmail account. Send & request money with Gmail Google Wallet...
The man from Caloocan City has been sentenced to one year behind bars and fined P50,000 MANILA, Philippines It was a good day for the...
Movie studio LionsGate has reached a settlement with the operator of video hosting service The operator of the video hosting platform...
A key strategy of the entertainment industries is to repeatedly warn pirating Internet users of their illegal behavior in the belief they will... Well here is the newly posted Promo that Bitsoup is running to get people to donate. It's a great prize if it...
Several organizations including domain name registrar Namecheap are asking the public to protest a new ICANN proposal that will ban private domain...
Dear all, a very merry welcome back at our new domain - Our data is (and always was) safe. - Email is currently disabled...
Free-leech (Free Download) is ending on 1st July 2015 at 1100 GMT. - Please stop and start all your active torrents, so that you dont get your...
2015-06-25 - 动动你的手指,支援你的网站! TTG首款联运游戏强势来袭,速速下载一起来战. 具体请参阅: 2015-06-25-- move your...
Trading standards officers and police are carrying out a crackdown across England, Wales and Northern Ireland against those who offer pirate and...
Iceland has long been one of the more right-leaning Nordic countries. In contrast to Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden, which all have a long...
"Welcome to HDAccess Support Channel! | You might we wondering what happened to HDA , we are no more our owner has decided to close the site...
Summer 2015... understaffed? Guys, one of us (Nina2005) had to quit due to the most awkward perturbations of a highly abstract concept of a...
Page travel benefits, seed rules emphasized and Blueberry Members wayward small partners: Well, that server is the European get someone to do a...
Cox Communications, one of the largest Internet providers in the United States, has asked the court to order anti-piracy firm Rightscorp to hand...
Astăzi se împlinesc 3 ani de când mystery, liderul nostru neînfricat, a plecat dintre noi. Ca să îl comemorăm aşa cum se cuvine, toate torrentele...
We the staff at AHD are always on the lookout for new encoders to join the internal team as such we have decided to open the doors outside of AHD...
In a nutshell, the new anti-piracy laws which passed through the senate on Monday, are designed to make it more difficult for Australians to...
One way or another, you can be sure anti-porn crusaders will push to extend Australia's new anti-piracy laws. "If we can block piracy, why can't...
Bonjour; Comme le dit le dicton : ...sans la volonté, la lutte et l'acharnement à réussir, il n'y a pas d'issue a l'échec. Tspate [ Site web :...
Providers who defied TV company demands to switch off their VPN services have caved in following legal threats. CallPlus and Bypass Network...
When Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatened to "root out" Twitter by ordering Turkey's internet service providers to block access...
Timur Bekmambetov argued that one-third of Russians have no access to theaters and can't watch movies any other way. Producer and director Timur...
The Senate passed controversial anti-piracy legislation, the Copyright Amendment (Online Infringement) Bill 2015, last night. But it’s not so...