Google Chrome Data Saver If you have Chrome browser with data saver turned on; you are breaking the rules at GFT since it uses a proxy. Proxies...
Copyright holder and government efforts to stop people from accessing websites simply won't succeed according to the boss of a leading VPN...
Forum Logo Design Contest Winners Announced! We couldn't have hoped for a better response to our forum logo design contest and I would like to...
For years popular sports streaming site Rojadirecta has been operating from Spain without trouble. This week, however, a Madrid court threw up a...
[IMG] Az nCore egy határozott, és nagy lépéssel kitiltotta az oldaláról az xvid kódolású sorozatokat és filmeket. Ezentúl az elvárt kódolás a...
Wahaaa! Looks like you guys made it and managed to hit the points needed for global tracker freeleech. Thanks to all those contributed to the...
One of the largest software piracy schemes ever prosecuted. Charges were brought against: Casey Lee Ross, 28, of Kansas City; Reza Davachi, 41,...
Libgen, the largest online repository of free books and academic articles, has pretty much vanished from the Internet. Earlier this month the...
Dear Users! Today are disabled Xvid encoded movies and series. In the following, only authorized staff may be put, subject to overriding...
Ever since the earliest days of Bitcoin development, proposal after proposal has been put forward for a BitTorrent client that incorporates...
Posted on June 18, 2015 Google Chrome Listening In To Your Room Shows The Importance Of Privacy Defense In Depth Yesterday, news broke that...
Peter Sunde is the co-founder of The Pirate Bay, which means he knows a thing or two about piracy. So when he says that Australias site blocking...
Well thats it then. Say goodbye to The Pirate Bay at the very least, Australia: our Senate just voted to enact legislation to block websites in a...
A few minutes ago Australia passed controversial new legislation which allows for overseas 'pirate' sites to be blocked at the ISP level. Despite...
The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'Get Hard' tops the chart this week, followed by ‘Jurassic World.' 'Cinderella'...
You now have options to choose from, thanks to ******* Go to your profile to change the looks of the site Click [edit] next to your nickname in...
June's Featured Film Artist of the Month: Alberto Lattuada Check out the new Golden torrents on the home page.
The copyright monopoly is based on the idea of an exchange. In exchange for exclusive rights, the copyright industry supplies culture and...
New Staff member About a year ago, someone made up the silly idea of making SteWieH a FLS and to terrify everyone. Well here it is almost a year...
Sommerloch ~*~*~ Ankündigung ~*~*~ Liebe Community, da wie alle Jahre das Sommerloch kurz vor der Türe steht und somit die Aktivität der...
New laws to block overseas websites that infringe copyright have been high on the agenda for Australia as part of an nationwide crackdown on...
In Terry Zwigoffs 2001 film, Ghost World, a teenager, Enid, walks into the room where Seymour keeps his vast collection of old 78 rpm records...
Lawyers for the Dallas Buyers Club LLC, were back in court last week as part of the continuation of their pursuit of Australians who they allege...
As of 1 May 2015 Russia has adapted its new "Anti-Piracy" laws in order to more effectively combat the scourge of online piracy.1 How it Works...
Sticky Sunday! Freeleech Picks of the Week Spy Wars (2010) Spy Wars takes a groundbreaking look into the world of high-tech espionage. For the...
Downloading torrents can be a game of Russian roulette, with copyright holders monitoring networks for infringement and some demanding cash to...
Hallo Community, wie ihr sicherlich schon mitbekommen habt, bestehen z.Zt. ein paar Domainprobleme. Wir haben alles in die Wege geleitet und...
We now have unfortunately been forced to ban a number of clients who do not work optimally and thus send incorrect data to us. The new clients...
The invite forum was closed. We apologize for any inconvenience !
Please do not delete torrents from your client ! We are experiencing some technical difficulties but we are working to solve them and all the...