[IMG] forums.php?action=viewthread&threadid=13907 //Danishbits Staff
[IMG] Vi her på Danishbits, vil lige ønske allesammen en rigtig glædelig jul samt et godt nytår! forums.php?action=viewthread&threadid=13844...
Our ISP had experienced some routing issues during the night and selected traffic was being cut off. The issue has been supposedly mended and...
Those members who have registered on the site but can't access their accounts properly...check yours email inbox/spam and confirm yours email...
Rest Of the year and beyond FreeLeech!!! We have a lot of features!!! Just a reminder, we have a lot of features on this site. And you might have...
Hey guys, a few minutes ago we switched theshow.bz dns settings to point to our brand new network topology setup. There was no downtime in the...
The developers of "The Talos Principle" have come up with a nifty punishment for those playing pirated versions of the game. Instead of preventing...
During 2014, copyright holders all around the globe stepped on the gas when it came to sending DMCA notices to Google. Today we take a look at the...
It's that time of year again. Post your favourite albums of 2014 HERE
Digital Hive Christmas Gift! [IMG] As a special thanks during this festive time, we have a personalized gift for each Digital Hive member....
If a user has not logged in within a 90 day period there invites are set to 0. If a user has not logged in within 180 days they are deleted....
Do you have a joke to tell/share? Are you looking for a good laugh? Do you need something to smile about? Then Check us out at the local TVV...
There has been an update on how filling Requests will be handled. We have multiple users trying to fill the same request so this will prevent...
It's not a secret that Hollywood and Google are constantly fighting over piracy issues. While most of the public comments are made on search,...
As 2014 draws to an end, encryption and privacy remain high on the agendas of many netizens. Cloud hosting service Mega has been building its...
The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'The Interview' tops the chart this week, followed by ‘Gone Girl.' 'Horrible Bosses...
Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently unavailable. Please try again later. If you are the system administrator of this resource then...
Start 2015 with a bang! 50 great prizes up for grabs.
This year the entertainment industries reached agreement with the UK government to begin sending warning notices to Internet pirates. However,...
Need upload credit? Now get 50GB for each request you fill,7 days after filling the request.
We are currently looking for Full BluRay Suppliers , x264 Encoders, mHD Encoding Groups , Anime encoding groups , or anything that is different...
Free Leech is now active until January 1st 2015! This means you can download ANYTHING from BG and it will not be counted towards your ratio....
For isoHunt Founder Gary Fung, 2014 was the first full year without him taking a central place in the BitTorrent landscape. But even though his...
We wish to thank all members whose input, contributions and assistance have furthered KG over the past decade. Please also take some time to...
Just a quick note about IRC. We have a temporary presence on the irc p2p network. Obviously this isnt our own IRC server so please shed a care of...
everyone should be getting correct sp bonuses now and, to add to it, theres no wait time on gaining sp on torrents. i dunno about you but am...
While the Pirate Bay's domain continues to wave a pirate flag, there's no sign of a pending return yet. However, many supporters of the notorious...
New Site Update OK, Just an update on where we are standing with changes to keep the site up and running. We are all family here and all have a...
I would like to welcome all the new users that have joined during our open registrations.... And a big thank you to all the users that have...