[IMG] Until now, we have mostly focused on those who help the site in official capacities—members of staff and various teams with official jobs....
[IMG] All relevant releases will be made freeleech for the month! Collage | Discuss
Every year the MPAA spends millions of dollars in Washington to guarantee their anti-piracy interests are secured. In the most recent quarter the...
Luni 03 noiembrie, site-ul va fi offline timp de câteva ore până când se va efectua o întreținere completă. Deci nu intrati in panică Translate...
We promised you, dear users, a week of freeleech when we hit 100% donations.. This goal has been achieved, and as promosed, freeleech has been...
PT should probably aim is to enable users to more convenient, easier and faster access to resources, rather than become a burden. Therefore, this...
The team behind the popular XBMC/Kodi software is attempting to distance their brand from those who associate it with movie and TV show piracy. As...
Dear HDFrench-zones', the last 2 years or so, we're talking about a V2 for our tracker. The vagaries of the current site, our lives also IRL and...
We have some interesting contests this year to celebrate. But first, congratulations to Camden409 for winning the Halloween Banner Competition and...
If you think you have what it takes to become an Uploader on TorrentDay, then send in an application to either 3NC0D3R - r3b3lw0lf. Send in a...
For all of you ghouls, goblins, witches, warlocks, vampires, werewolves, ghosts, or just plain old folks who don't celebrate Halloween, it's time...
This week the web-based torrent service Joker has been making headlines all over the Internet. However, after a few days the fun stopped thanks to...
http://empereur-team.ovh Bonsoir à toutes et tous, Comme vous le savez déjà le site est encore en construction, c\'est pourquoi Afin de ne...
hi all we are back after that bit of downtime we have swapped to a new fast server and fixed few probs on site and are now running at full steam...
UPDATE: It was brought to our attention that our "DIY-stickers" were "out of stock" and people were unable to donate because of this. This issue...
Disney has just obtained a patent for a search engine that ranks sites based on various "authenticity" factors. One of the goals of the technology...
From now on, as inviter of a new user you will receive 2GB Upload. Also on Week-ends, starting Friday at midnight (saturday morning at 00:00)...
友情站HDSky“限时不定时开放注册” 各位会员大家好,本站的友情联系PT网站HDSky将于今 晚2014年11月1日零时起——2014年11 月11日24时,共计11天,实行“限时不定时开放注册”。(不定时开放注册解释,即:在这11天内,根据...
The news section on our Home Page will no longer be used for promo announcements/adverts! This will come to a great relief for some, but more...
In a surprise move, police in Germany have launched a public manhunt for two men behind several large file-sharing sites. Alongside the unusual...
Info: Bitte Halloween Sachen hochladen in die Kategorie Halloween ab heute Abend für die Halloween Tracker Aktion am 31.10., siehe News....
Doors Open Our doors are now open until the end of november.
Signup is open!
[IMG][IMG] If you see this message, rejoice, for you are on the new server! The site may not look all that different, but we are currently...
[IMG] Der er stadig meget der skal tilføjes til vores torrents, og derfor tilbyder vi lidt lækkerier for din hjælp i form af bonus point....
[IMG] [IMG] Anul acesta, baietii care se ocupa cu avatare au dorit sa va faca o surpriza artistica si au creeat special pentru dumneavoastra,...
To all the midnight keyboard warriors, who have kept the scene alive and healthy we salute you......... and the other people who have gone from...
[IMG] To see all our halloween-themed torrents click HERE
Check out the latest Golden Torrents - to mark All Hallows Day a batch of lesser-known creepy films have received the accolade. No Usual Suspects...