... just as usual. [IMG]
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] As most of you know x264.me's 9th Birthday has arrived....
It was a place where Kim Dotcom loved doing business but it took just 13 minutes for a Hong Kong court to authorize the seizure of $42 million of...
[IMG] What.CD enjoys a terrific standard of community participation, and this strong tradition of volunteerism is one of our defining traits....
Mit tennél ha egy tele buszon ,ahol alig bírsz megmozdulni elkezdene folyni az orrod és nincs nálad pappírzsepi? Hát, kérnék tőled. Ha nincs....
Üdv kedves kiscsibe. Ha a kormányon múlna, nem volnának ilyen műsorok. Amikor lehet elhatárolódnak tőlük, de a belőlük származó haszonért viszont...
The RIAA has just submitted its latest list of "rogue" websites to the U.S. Government. The report includes many of the usual suspects and also...
What if you could achieve these amazing healing results by technique based on past life regression hypnosis : - Cancer of all types at various...
关于开放注册的通知 为迎接双11的到来,本站拟定于2014年11月1日零时起——2014年11月11日24时,共计11天 ,全站开放注册,吸收新鲜血液,注入更多活力。本站目前没有考核,没有注册附加要求。机会难得 ,望周知!...
Hogy én mi tennék? Nyolc láb mélyen feküdnék a földben, mert amíg élek (és a társaim is úgy akarják) az oldal nem fog bezárni. Mit tennél, ha...
One of the oldest BitTorrent-related domains has been resurrected offering a brand new torrent site feature. Not only does FileSoup claim to be...
DoA 에서 녹화원을 모집합니다. (仅针对韩国用户, for Korean only) < 한국 회원 여러분께 긴급히 알립니다 > DoA 한국방송팀에서 한국 방송 녹화원을 모집하고 있습니다. 여러분도 아시다시피 저희 DoA 한국팀으로부터 많은 방송물이 업로드 되고...
We are pleased to announce that AnimeBytes will be embracing the dark side this Halloween! To start things off and get everyone in the mood, AB...
Want to be part of our community, learn new things and help the tracker? All that we ask is to have goodwill for 1-2 sources (public or private...
Trick or Treat !? Now everybody had a Halloween theme and we run freeleech month out, enjoy the time and eat a lot of damn candy! // Maed with staff
Üdv case666! A beload bezárt. Majd ezt kihasználva pár user indított néhány beloadot :D Ezekből egy oldal maradt életben, de semmi köze az eredeti...
[IMG] Stephen Amell [IMG] Ezen a héten Stephen Amell a kiválaszottunk. Bővebben is olvashatsz róla, ha nevére vagy mellette az Actorgia ikonra...
Holnap reggeli sajtótájékoztató előtti utolsó megbeszélés. Kitaláltuk, hogy hogyan tudnánk kicsit megreformálni a filmforgalmazást itthon kalóz...
Double Up Donations is back again Great Savings 2 X EVERYTHING!
On the occasion of the Celebration of October 28 - Anniversary of NO wish you Happy Birthday .All files will be FreeLeech (no download ratio...
Halloween is only a few days away and we have got plans to do some really interesting stuff this year. In preparation of the upcoming festivities,...
The MPAA has informed the U.S. Government about two dozen piracy-promoting websites it would like to be gone. The list includes major torrent...
You may have noticed the torrents are being uploaded and they are not being modded for example missing descriptions and a standard poster.Why is...
Server irc.torrentbytes.ninja Ports 6667 for normal 7000 for SSL Channel info: #torrentbytes- Main channel #torrentbytes-support - Support...
Sorry for the 12 hours of downtime. Apparently it was caused by a DDOS attack large enough to get us temporarily nullrouted. If it happens again I...
Authorities have carried out raids across Germany in pursuit of the operators of movie streaming portal Kinox.to. The individuals are also said to...
Hi all, We have decided to add new rules regards to our invite forum section, please read the message carefully. In light of the recent scandal...
The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'Let's Be Cops' tops the chart this week, followed by ‘Step Up All In.' 'How to...
As you may have already noticed there's some problems with the IRC server hosting among other things the PTN irc channels. We're hoping that this...