We would like to remind you that Bonus invites and Double (2x) donations will expire at the end of the month, for those of you who are still not...
The Federation Against Copyright Theft has taken action a popular piece of software by having it removed from Github. The open source SportsDevil...
[IMG] DixieFlatline was right to call it “one weird year” in the site's life. We were hit with attacks of unprecedented force and duration, and...
Üdv. Az emberek akkor is pletykálnak és kombinálnak, ha le van írva az igazság. :D Tapasztalatból mondom. De ahogy nézem valaki nem csak a...
Így van! A Carpathians is elérhető már. Indoklás: UTSForum - Torrent oldalak hírei, fórum, Meghívócsere, Free reg és Free Leech!
Sziasztok! Szolgáltatói hiba miatt volt pár óra kimaradás, az okozott kellemetlenségért elnézéseteket kérjük. Hasonló esetben a Twitter-en...
Faterom majd átküldöm neked skypon. (csuriban van az ujjam) hahahaha
Konkrét változás: Tiltott zenék/zenekarok/előadók/albumok: - L.L. Junior - Zenemánia - Nótár Mary - Mindenkinek szól - Gino - Összhatás
Köszi srácok! Az Insane is bejött közbe. A Carpathians viszont továbbra is makacskodik. :D
Dear members As you know we hve been experiencing many difficulties with our server lately which has led to a fair bit of downtime. We are...
Yey!!! come and get them .The torrents have been set freeleech until Halloween. Also remember the bingo night there is going to be some BIG...
Dear, Thanks for Your Patience! We are back Online
Like many other "hacked" celebrities, UK actress, model and television presenter Kelly Brook is not happy that her leaked nudes are being...
Site is moving. Updates will follow.
BeyondHD monthly Lotto draw! Available to classes User +. Lotto can be found in profile/links/lotto. So stock up on BP for the end of the month...
Just a reminder that we rely on donations to pay our monthly server bills and recently we have not been reaching the 100% required mark, today is...
If the movie's owners have their way, alleged downloaders of Dallas Buyers Club in Australia could soon face allegations of piracy and demands for...
Have you tried to quit smoking? Quit Smoking Support Thread: http://thegeeks.bz/forums.php?action...c&topicid=2616 Are you using anti-virus?...
Trick or treat, Smell my feet , Give me something nice to eat, If you don't, I don't care, I'll pull down your underwear Happy Halloween From Us...
8 AM Saturday 25th October through 8 AM Sunday, Nov 2nd One Week (plus a little extra!) of Free Leech in the Horror Category Please Remember...
Please remember to keep your email up to date so you can recover your password in the future. If your password was reset by a staff member then...
Site is moving. Oct 25, 2014 Beta-testing of new tracker platform has begun.
ΜΕΓΑΛΗ ΠΡΟΣΦΟΡΑ ΓΙΑ ΤΟ ΣΑΒΒΑΤΟΚΥΡΙΑΚΟ: Το greek-team.cc προσφέρει για κάθε Δωρεά που θα πραγματοποιηθεί από τώρα και μέχρι την Κυριακή το βράδυ...
The Court of Justice of the European Union handed down a landmark verdict this week. The Court ruled that embedding copyrighted videos is not...
Happy Halloween Folks, Halloween is just around the corner, and to get things going with a fright we are having AlphaRatio's very first Annual...
The fledgling ISP block against The Pirate Bay in freedom-friendly Iceland is already looking like the thin end of the wedge. After securing an...
Dear members, Click the banner to go to the donation center to get double the credit on each donation! https://mma-torrents.com/donate_mem.php...
This week The Pirate Bay replaced its frontpage logo to promote a new VPN service, driving 100,000 new customers to the startup. FrootVPN...
Urmatorul eveniment live : El Clasico : Real Madrid - Fc Barcelona 23.10.2014 Canal + Liga 1080i/Bein Sports/Digi Sport ( users choice ) 1080i...
Site transfer to the new server.Sorry for the inconvenience --FinVip Staff--