Üdv. De azt azért említsük meg, hogy te egy másik oldal tulaja vagy, és elég rég rossz a viszonyotok velük. [IMG] Szerintem kiscsibe is azon...
Registrations have now closed. We will be having our next Mass Ratio Ban on October 25th @ 11PM GMT. ANYONE who has a ratio BELOW 0.7 will have...
Ne cerem scuze fata de voi pentru picarea noastra din ultimele doua zile. Am avut probleme tehnice care nu au tinut neaparat de noi.
Elite membership for 30 GBP Link to Pay and Subscribe for Elite - http://goo.gl/5j6XVZ PM the administrator if you have any query. Thanks and...
Hey all, Just a heads up. Due to the large amount of folks taking advantage, we no longer allow stopping of seeding temporarily. Actually, think...
Google's previously announced anti-piracy measures have now kicked in and as a result popular "pirate" sites are noticing a massive drop in search...
Several record labels in the UK have today obtained a High Court order to have local ISPs block yet more torrent sites. Sky, TalkTalk, Virgin, BT...
If you see this message, rejoice, for you are on the new server! The site may not look all that different, but we are currently working on...
Hi Raiders, We're currently at 65% received this month in donations. Lets get that number a little higher before the 28th October. Come on guys...
The City of London Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit has received substantial new funding which secures its future until at least 2017. The...
Hallo Community, es ist wieder moeglich per PayPal zu Spenden, Infos findet ihr hier euer Tracker Team Hello Community, it is possible to...
We now have a bitrate field for audiobook uploads. There are several options available, from 32 kbps up to 320 kbps including the V# presets we...
[IMG] To see all our halloween-themed torrents click HERE
Last month Seattle-based photographer Christopher Boffoli sued Imgur claiming the popular image hosting site had failed to remove a few dozen of...
Hey guys Well I don't get out much anymore so long time since I've been talking to you guys trough these nagging and sobby PM's. Well I guess I...
Pana ajungem la userul cu numarul 2000, useri care se vor inscrie incepand de acum la noi pe site vor primi 50 gb upload. Liverpool vs Real...
The Department of Justice (DOJ) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) appear to be continuing with Operation in Our Sites. In recent days...
Hello Everyone Greetings. Invitation: After long discussion and checking almost all possibilities we decided to bring a dedicated Invitation...
Szia Hammer! Nagyon sajnálom, hogy így alakult. Azon kevesek közé tartozom, akik nem ütik az orrukat más dolgába. Hiszen a miért, semmin sem...
Sokszor írjuk, hogy segítőkész egy staff tag, de én úgy gondolom, hogy a staffnak az a dolga, hogy segítsen. Tehát ennek a tevékenységnek...
BeyondHD has open signups for a limited time, tell your family and friends fast before we close again.
Apparently our ISP is experiencing some localized routing issues with certain links not working as intended. The problem mainly influences routing...
The studio behind the Oscar-winning movie Dallas Buyers Club has initiated legal action to extract cash payments from Australian pirates who...
De ha belegondolsz, ha nem is vezetik be nálatok, te akkor is ugyan úgy megszívód, ahogy mi. Hiszen te is a magyar oldalakat használod. És ha...
Nevess csak, de ha bevezetik, én elintézem, hogy Szlovákiába is honos legyen ez a törvény. :D
Köszönöm az igazolást nonokám, de a memóriámmal még nincsenek gondok. Ha azt mondaná valaki, hogy tévethetetlen vagyok, egyet kéne értenem vele :D
Így van laci9! Kétlem, hogy bármi köze lenne a bezáráshoz annak, hogy az oldal nyitott lett. Hiszen amiről kevés szó esett, hogy nem csak egy...
Nem csak a világ van tele vele, hanem a ...... XD
hát kell is a több rendőr.. ha nem lesz net, ha sok hülye gyerek az utcán fog randalírozni :D XD
Szia Cyclone ! Szerintem itt: https://torrent-empire.me/threads/swztorrent-bezaras.39611/ Ez a szöveg látható ha az swz elérhetőségére klikkel-sz.