Enjoy a week long free leech! thanks to everyone for supporting and dealing with all our bullshit for this long.
[IMG] Concerned about someone snooping on your online activities? Tor is one of the best services in the world to anonymise your Web traffic,...
The Popcorn Time fork formally known as Time4Popcorn has permanently moved to a new domain name. The EURid registry told the developers that the...
[IMG] Stranger Than Paradise (1984)
Beathau5 relies on your donations to run month to month. We want to expand the site, add an autoupload bot and we have done all the costcutting we...
• Assassin's Creed: Birth of a New World – The American Saga — 3. October, PS3, X360, PC • Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor – 3. October, PS4, XONE...
iPT Halloween Contest Rules The contest is open to ALL members who donate beginning October 15th and end November 3rd. Donations count in...
Sziasztok, a probléma nálunk van, de dolgozunk a megoldáson Addig is: [IMG]
The U.S. Government is trying to get their hands on the assets of Kim Dotcom and his fellow defendants through a civil lawsuit, claiming that they...
CrazyHour is on so everything is free and upload is credit Triple Starts Today we are delighted to announce the addition of OMG to our home...
Hiya, Just to keep you updated, we have added 7 new categories, If you are using RSS then update your RSS FEED [IMG] Categories: Movies:...
I am sorry to say TwilightsPrOn may be shutting down. Its not because of finances even though we never got donations hardly from the site.It is...
Finally the competition has been started! Read the rules in (forum topic) and discuss anything related to the competition. The entries thread can...
We're aware of issues with downloading some releases and manually uploading new ones. Working on a fix as fast as possible. Kane
There is still much to be added to our torrents, and therefore we have some goodies for your help in the form of bonus points. Generally, it is...
Announcement The maintenance of server has been eventually finished, even though it took much more time than expected. We do apologise for the...
A raid and subsequent arrest hailed by the Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit as one of their most significant yet has taken an unexpected...
The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. '22 Jump Street' tops the chart this week, followed by ‘Transformers: Age of...
Long after the maintenance work, the site is back to work after three days, HDWinG is back online! http://hdwing.com/login.php
szerintem torrent oldalak közül exigo :) cf
A Traveler's Guide to the Planets (2010) It’s the ultimate in adventure travel, but it’s not for the faint of heart. Today’s super space traveler...
Please wait while website maintenance.The tracker server is still online.
The hacking trial of Pirate Bay founder Gottfrid Svartholm has concluded in Denmark. The prosecution insists that by finding crumbs all over the...
..:: We Track Harder - We Track More! Take the pain out of running a Bittorrent-Tracker! ::..
In order to help make sure our monthly server bills are paid, we have made some changes to our donation options. We now offer Free Leech on ALL...
New RFS for October 10 - October 17 The Last Machine (TV Series 1995) The Last Machine is a TV series, introduced by Terry Gilliam, which takes...
Hi Raiders, It is alas with a heavy heart that we have been forced to switch the Hit & Run System back on! Why have we done this you ask? Well...
Danish ISPs have reached a ground-breaking agreement with the country's leading anti-piracy group. In future, Rights Alliance will only need to...
Konkrét változás: Sorozatok XviD • X-Faktor HU: ufo • Celeb vagyok, ments ki innen: ufo, DART (kimaradás esetén másnap felkerülhet 1 anyag)
Probléma elhárítva. Nincs más dolgotok, mint a kliensetekben kijelölni az összes nCoreos torrentet, és frissíteni a trackert! Ez uTorrent...