is celebrating the holidays. Won't you join in the festivities? Weekend Freeleech Lineup is Below Contests & Competitions. So if...
Καλησπέρα σας, Η παρούσα ανακοίνωση θα έχει επιτέλους ένα θετικό και αναπτυξιακό θέμα συζήτησης που αφορά το Global-Evolve. Λέω θετικό και...
After theaters all around the U.S. backed away from screening The Interview, this week Sony pulled the controversial movie. But now BitTorrent...
At least for now, you can’t easily add your own torrents or really do much with it. [IMG] Legendary file-sharing site The Pirate Bay may have...
We are currently experiencing problems with the torrent seed/leech stat querying. It will be fixed as soon as possible. The torrents have peers,...
As suggested by members of the LearnBits community, we are revising our torrent categories. Surely you already realize that LB has always resisted...
Server will be maintained 12.20 16:00 pm, is expected to maintain the time of three hours.
If you have been following the news lately you know that the torrent indexing website The Pirate Bay has been shut down after the data center...
As if real life decorations and xmas music in every store you set foot in weren't enough, you can now browse for porn and be a pervert in a cozy...
Send presents to random users and Empornium Santa will add 20% extra to each gift! A new feature in which you will be able to express your...
Empornium's staff wanted to make sure that 2014 ended with a serious bang, and to make that happen, we prepared the most badass Christmas this...
Hi All, As you can see there are issues with the site and right now and some of you can get here and some can't. We are having Routing issues...
The team have decided to give an early Christmas present to Pirate Bay fans. They've launched "The Open Bay," an initiative that allows...
[IMG] The Pirate Bay was taken down a few weeks ago when the Sweden police raided their location and arrested one employee, and seized all...
Hollywood still has concerns over the popular Popcorn Time application. One of the main "Netflix for Pirates" forks has just moved through three...
[IMG] Just days after The Pirate Bay was shuttered following a data centre raid by Swedish authorities, the torrent site’s official Facebook Page...
The MPAA has long criticized Google on the issue of piracy but revelations from recently leaked emails indicate that Hollywood has embarked on an...
Due to personal stuff and health issues, i have decided to step down from TorrentVault staff.. Ive been on this site for years, since it started,... 2014 Christmas & Holiday Celebration [IMG] is celebrating the holidays. Won't you join in the festivities? [IMG]...
2014 Christmas Banner Contest! The TG Christmas Banner Competition. It’s Back! Remember These? [IMG] Time for a quick competition. Show...
Fenopy, one of the older torrent sites that's been around for nearly nine years, has shut down voluntarily. The closure marks the end of what once...
Sony may have withdrawn The Interview but not everyone is scared of releasing the movie. Author Paulo Coelho, whose book The Alchemist has sold in...
While the BitTorrent ecosystem is filled with uncertainty and doubt, researchers at Delft University of Technology have released the first version...
Szia. Jó programnak tűnik. Hasonló lesz nálunk is, csak gyerekek nélkül. XD Ismerőseimtől kapok vad húst, azt fogom elkészíteni.
Novák Erik, a Fekete Leves rendezője is alig tudja leplezni örömét, hiszen már csak öt nap van hátra filmje megjelenésééig, amit Magyarországon...
Persze tisztában vagyunk vele, hogy a karácsonyt a Reszkessetek betörők és a Bud Spencer klasszikusok uralják, de azért két rúd bejgli között...
Hamarosan itt a karácsony. Ki mivel tölti az ünnepeket?
[IMG] Claire Forlani [IMG] Ezen a héten Claire Forlani a kiválaszottunk. Bővebben is olvashatsz róla, ha nevére vagy mellette az Actorgia ikonra...
Engem úgy csak az érdekel mikor veszitek fel. :P