'Clover' (aka W동) was a general/pr0n tracker from Korea. It was one of those secret, hidden korean trackers with rare invites. We receive first...
This week the Center for Copyright Information released a new external review of its evidence gathering procedures. Overall the six-strikes...
A new study carried out by BitTorrent Inc. has found that the company's users aren't the freeloaders they're often made out to be. The study found...
Konkrét változás: Tiltott zenék/zenekarok/előadók/albumok: - Barbárfivérek - Öregsuli (scratch Kool Kasko)
Egy nappal ugyan megcsúsztunk, de nem maradhat el most sem a múltheti összesített TOP10 film, amit az előző heti letöltéseitek alapján állítottunk...
Asztom az első, az vegyes. De nem esküdnék rá, mert nem vagyok tag.
Birthday Celebrations remain ongoing and are being extended further! It's not often a tracker turns 9, and with many old users coming back to us...
First was FARM - Fill A Request Month Then came FARF - Fill A Request Fortnight Next came FARM2 Now we're proud to bring you FART - Fill A...
Hello everybody, They has been some massive changes to Welcome to TDS | TDS in the couple of months. We now have a huge music section with all...
Happy 8th Birthday torrenTech! torrenTech is EIGHT YEARS old (what??!!) and we have a giant birthday present for YOU! Our Birthday Freeleech will...
Welcome to the November edition of the Waffles.fm Staff Picks. Please remember we do not look to balance genres or purposely seek out diversity -...
Free Leech + Double Upload
And here you are! HD-Only, new HD tracker quality created 01.11.2014, opens its doors on November 20. We're still in beta, with features not yet...
New data published by the Canadian broadband management company Sandvine reveals that BitTorrent can be credited for one-third of all Internet...
[IMG] Attention all family members. We are looking to add a few members to our Wiseguy support team. In general you will be helping out with...
BitTorrent Inc. has signaled the release of a new version of its popular Sync software. Aimed at rival services offered by companies such as...
go download somethin', will ya lasts until monday 00:00 eastern and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my best friend in the whole wide world, Anthony <3
The U.S. Government is trying to get its hands on the assets of Kim Dotcom and his fellow defendants through a civil lawsuit, with the DoJ...
Do not upload Black Comedy by Chapman on CMCT, or you'll get warned!
[IMG] We hope you enjoyed the third stress test. By our measure, the recent sitewide music freeleech event was one of the smoothest celebrations...
Extended downtime was due to a system upgrade which should have taken about a minute, but went wrong. Very very wrong. Sorry for the downtime, but...
Hi Raiders, We're now more than half way through the month and a little low on donations. So to spice things up the next first donation we get...
A federal court in Washington has rejected a $30,000 damages award against several Internet subscribers accused of downloading a pirated movie via...
Άλλος ένας χρόνος πέρασε! Εφέτος τον Νοέμβριο αισίως κλείνουμε τρία χρόνια λειτουργίας του τράκερ. Σαν χθες ήταν που το kapaki.info "γεννήθηκε"...
RT, such as encounters can not access the site or can not connect TRACKER case, you can use SSL encrypted access, check the SSL-related options...
És mégis miért van ez a kultúr témában? hahahahahaha
Apologies for the downtime of the spleen. Everything should be back up now. Big thanks to Hagabard for getting the site back up! "It was broke,...
The Alliance of Artists and Recording Companies has launched a new lawsuit targeting Chrysler for allowing car owners to rip CDs without paying...
In a case before the High Court, UK ISPs have raised concerns that 'innocent' sites might be taken offline due to them sharing IP addresses with...
from this time free registration to the tracker PT is closed, I hope that you have had time to log-in and spread the word. For new users, remember...