James Tripp - Hypnotherapy Without Trance! Hypnotherapy Heresy - Making Hypnotherapy Easy! Early in 2014 I set out to solve a problem that...
Edit : Invites have been disabled until we can configure the new back server
From now until the end of this month if you donate 30 euro or more you will get 20GB per donated Euro for example If you donate 50 euro you will...
The MPAA has donated over a million dollars Carnegie Mellon University in support of its piracy research program. The movie industry group sees...
Lexi Alexander is one of a few Hollywood directors to have come out in support of file-sharers. While her opinions may not help her career, she...
All those issues should be fixed now. Let us know in the comments if you are having issues. P.S. Still something huge coming!!! Hold tight bros.
Tracker closing 2 years and celebrating. 2 Weeks freeleech + open registrations .
After the huge success enjoyed by Thom York and his Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes release, BitTorrent Inc. has opened up its paygate to content creators...
An Australian university's policy of fining students up to $1,000 when they get caught pirating on campus has been described as "terrific" by a...
Bitsoup will not close down 100%. We already have a backup resource ready to step in that will allow some of our members to gain access in the...
Added Older seed page table style _ Member of their choice Members can switch back to the old version of the browse page tabular browsing, details...
We are happy to announce that Scenebyte.com is part of scenetime now.
A federal court in California has ruled that Usenet service provider Giganews is not guilty of copyright infringement, nor can it be held...
The long running Default and Banned avatar competition has finally come to an end. Please take a minute to vote for your favorite Default and...
Olivia Newton John
We've added additional options to our Bonus Points page! It's now possible to 'buy' personal FL with your hard earned bonus points! You can earn...
KickassTorrents, one of the largest torrent sites, relocated to a new domain name today. As part of their "annual domain rotation" the site traded...
We are proud to announce our new Bonus Points (BP) System. You now collect bonus points just for seeding torrents. You can exchange your BP for...
Due to security reasons, the site is temporarily closed invite registered channels open until further notice.
A leading Swedish Internet service provider is taking a novel approach to protect customer privacy. Faced with a legal requirement to log...
Hi everyone, We had an unexpected downtime this morning on TvT, nothing to worry about, everything is back, it was due to a technical glitch on...
Kim Dotcom's predicament worsened today when a prosecutor revealed that a bail revocation application is underway which could put back behind bars...
The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'Guardians of the Galaxy' tops the chart this week, followed by ‘Dawn of the Planet...
Hello everyone, This will be the last message board tracker BitTorrent client Goodbye really hard to say, myself will write one article for the...
The copyright monopoly war wasn't the war, it was the tutorial mission. The internet generation is using technology to assert its values and its...
Íme a heti TOP10 film, ami az előző heti nCore-os letöltések alapján állt össze: 1: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (új belépő) 2: Sex Tape (új...
ha ott laknék még jobban várnám, sőt nem is bírnám ki decemberig :D
Már alig várom XD
Golden/Silver bookmark notifications We have just launched a new feature that makes it possible to be notified when one of your bookmarks becomes...