Majd kiderül mi lesz. De ilyen teracod méretű oldal nem nagyon fog kibújni a földből. Én sajnálom, hogy egyre kevesebb magyar oldal van.
WiKi Team / NGB Group / Helper Team Careers WiKi suppress recruitment conditions: 1, I7 (more) CPU, 6G or more of memory; 2, the network...
TDS Christmas CD members releaseWe are going to do something a little different this year and try and make a "Christmas Release Music CD" made up...
Change made all the stats will go up. Patience. The new server still requires some adjustments. For you, I assume that nothing has changed since...
A Mega Promotion a Mega Lottery! There will be 10 winners and several awards Vip Each Class will be entitled to a certain number of Tickets! The...
Columbia Pictures has asked a Florida federal court to keep its anti-piracy policies secret forever. The records in question are part of the now...
HDtime发种大赛第一期开始啦,小伙伴们快来参加吧!!! 赶快参加吧,目前还没有一个人符合要求!!! 活动时间:'2014-11-15 00:00:00' - '2014-11-23 00:00:00' Translate: HDtime hair kind of contest...
Kim Dotcom is looking for a new legal team in New Zealand after a high-profile lawfirm withdrew its services. However, what's especially unusual...
Site is moving. Nov 12, 2014 Beta-testing is ongoing and slowly scaling up to find bottlenecks. Check --->
회원 여러분, 오랫만에 공지를 드리는 것 같습니다. 11월이 가기 전에 회원 승급/강등 조건을 변경할 예정입니다. Ratio에 대한 제약 조건은 대폭 완화할 예정이며, 업로드한 토렌트의 개수에 대한 조건으로 대부분 대체할 예정입니다. 기존 등급도...
The people behind the Oscar-winning movie Dallas Buyers Club have won a $14,000 consent judgment against an Oregon BitTorrent user. Why the...
HDWinG进一步升级~ 站点将于近两日完成界面的升级工作。届时可能出现短暂的网页无法访问,尽情谅解。 我们深知陪伴会员无数岁月的旧版界面在大家心中有很高的地位,但网站几经修改,界面的整体度大 为下降。 管理组终下决心,彻底更改界面。我们也知众口难调,但尽力做到最好。...
All versions of deluge have been removed from the 'client whitelist'!
Spotify's Daniel Ek has poured fuel onto the raging Taylor Swift controversy. While explaining how less availability of Swift's music will lead...
The recent downtime was caused by a server issue after it was unexpectedly rebooted, we have now managed to restore all services including the...
For a little while longer we are still running on a manual donation system and I am continuing to check my personal messages at various points...
Sorry for the recent downtime, as you can see we have got the site back up and running, but so far there are still problems with the IRC and...
Almost three-quarters of Australians believe that using technical measures to end Internet piracy are doomed to fail and will only lead to higher...
Subliminal Shop - Become A Successful Entrepreneur 2.0 (5th Generation) After the massive success of the previous Subliminal-Shop group buy,...
To better serve our members, ILoveTorrents has added a Bluray category Until we get all the existing Bluray onsite moved over to this category,...
Atlanta-based Internet provider CBeyond is protesting a DMCA subpoena from the anti-piracy monitoring outfit Rightscorp. The ISP is refusing to...
While piracy has been blamed for many terrible things over the years, Rob Zombie sees things differently. Not only does the musician, director and...
全站free通告 至11月11日晚12时,本次开放注册落下帷幕。为庆祝这次开放注册取得圆满成功及热烈欢迎新同学,我们决 定从11月12日晚12点起,至17日晚12点止,全站free5天,童鞋们,尽情的狂欢吧! 11.11后没有孤独,欢乐在延续,HDSky让你high到顶点!...
We lowered the number of invites to a reasonable amount (tired of seeing unlimited giveaways in public for a while now anyway). Feel free to...
Torrentech is turning 8 and to celebrate there will be a 48 hour free leech starting noon on the 15th of November! Enjoy!
Several major movie studios and record labels have filed a lawsuit against the Swedish ISP B2, demanding that the company blocks access to The...
Two men have been jailed for a total 53 months for their part in music sharing site Dancing Jesus. The BPI say they are pleased with the decision...
Üdv kiscsibe. Az én gépem pont a frissítések lassították le egyszer, mert minden szart telepített, és ezek a vackok futnak a háttérben. Nálam ki...
Ennyi.. Értelmes emberek nem foglalkoznak egy oldal hátérrévél meg a dolgaival. Töltögetnek vagy fórumoznak azt szevasz. Csak a legkorlátoltabbak...
Kint van de meddig? A főoldaláról eltűnt a hír. XD Én nem tudok az oldalról bővebben nyilatkozni, mert nem használom. De a hamis stat az nem...