Azureus Software has just launched a brand new version of its Vuze Torrent Downloader. The latest version of the lightweight Android torrent...
VIP status,higher .... Do not 'Hit & RunAn all-members 3 x Hit & Run and You Get Banned from
Attention Hotmail/Live/Outlook users Recently, it has come to our attention that emails sent by ADC to users of the above services have not been...
Legal representatives for ISP iiNet say they want an anti-piracy tracking system put under the microscope. Hundreds of the Aussie service...
Former Pirate Bay spokesperson Peter Sunde is a free man again. After more than five months he was released from prison this morning. Peter is...
The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'Dracula Untold' tops the chart this week, followed by ‘Dawn of the Planet of the...
We're looking forward with excitement to our open signups. We've always prided ourselves on being an open site that lends a hand to those who are...
Powered limit from time to time open enrollment left the last two days If that, to end at 0:00 on the 11th. This may be the last time did not...
We hope you enjoyed the ride! Reminder: From this point on, any uncompleted downloads will start to count against your ratio.
Bones Brigade: An Autobiography (2012): Featuring Tony Hawk and directed by Stacy Peralta (Dogtown and Z-Boys), Bones Brigade: An Autobiography...
The six-strikes Copyright Alert System has been active for a while but recently Comcast reached a new milestone when the ISP sent out its one...
US and European police say they closed more than 400 online contraband markets and arrested 17 people -- who thought they were hidden by the...
Google's downranking of the most complained-about pirate sites last month certainly shook things up, but there have been unintended consequences...
""November 10th (Monday) we will open sign up and remove newbie task. To December 5 (birthday tracker), if more than 5 seeder per torrent, we will...
Anti-virus software can be a great help to keep viruses and malware at bay, but AVG takes its responsibilities a bit further. Avid BitTorrent...
We have decided to expand our great community once again and open up the application system. So if you have a friend that is interested in joining...
Csak ne adj ilyen tippeket mert még vérszemet kapok, meg 66 bírságot a nav ajánlásával hahahaha
Megtudnánk venni, de a kérdés az hogy minek? A statból kiindulva zsákbamacskát vennék, azt meg nem szeretek. :D
Ha nem találnak öt nap alatt tulajt, (Ami nem volna meglepő) akkor mi lesz? Becsuk? Vagy megy spam gyárnak? Esetleg mind a kettő? Vagy befigyel a...
Hajrá, elő a bankszámlákkal. :P
Tisztelt Felhasználók! A ismét nagy változás előtt áll: új tulajdonost keres. Aki érez magában elég hátteret és elhivatottságot az...
Ez má hányadik bezárásuk?? Vagy ennek nincs köze a többi hasonló sorsú Familytorrent-hez? Itt is lészen egy: UTSForum - Torrent oldalak hírei,...
Hentelés meghívót cseréltem volna sok minden másra. XD De ennek lassan má 4 éve. Azóta hentelés sincs. XD
Hát ez igaz, kevés az olyan macsek ami ne földműveléssel foglalkozna. hahahaha
Helyes círmik. :D Falusi macskának tűnnek.
Every day thousands of tourists in Paris snap a picture of the Eiffel Tower's famous light show. However, using those pictures in public may lead...
Thanks to you, amazing DB users can Unity now celebrate a whole year of English bits. We have tried to give you movies in numerous variations...
Hello Everyone. It was just a few months ago in July 2014 that we were less then a week from closing our doors. Sad to say but with the lost...
TheGeeks Weekend Freeleech #210 Discussion Of the Week: Do we rely too much on Photoshop? Totally natural discussion ->...
Google's attempts at pacifying the movie and music industries over piracy has piqued the interest of other content creators. Irate members of the...