Ενημερώνουμε όλους τους χρήστες/uploaders ότι από αύριο 16/10 όσα αρχεία γίνονται Upload και δεν τηρούν τους κανονισμούς του tracker θα...
Dear friends, On 07.11.2014 our site will be closing free sign-up and switch to an invitation based system. Every user will recieve 5 invites...
We are currently writing a list of possible new functionality added to the site. If you have an idea for new functionality, please let us know by...
Hello everyone, I use this space to try to summarize a few threads, posts of the staff and give some advice. Some people know me because of the...
Konkrét változás: Filmek > BDRip • x264: • HUN: max. 1 darab • Kivétel: ZHR vagy nCORE
系統功能修復及其他改進 系統功能修復及其他改進 JoyHD發【2014】22 號 系統功能修復 1.豆瓣及 IMDb 插件修復,發佈電影/劇集時請填寫此兩項 2.重新啟用投票 降低發邀權限 光棍節將至,即日起至11月12日,降低發送邀請權限至 Power User(正兵)。...
BitTorrent Inc, the parent company of the popular file-sharing applications uTorrent and BitTorrent, has won $2.3 million in damages from its...
Cloudflare has received a subpoena asking it to reveal the people behind two alleged pirate sites. The request comes from a Japanese magazine...
Be sure to check the forums for the latest on the contests to celebrate hd-mkv birthday. Prizes include seedboxs and more throughout November!
HDSkyDIY保种组专员招募 为了更好地让广大会员满速下载,发扬PT精神,HDSky保种组招募保种人员,级别不限,加入后带HDSk...
In a case brought by Universal Music over the album Blurred Lines, a Court of Appeal decision in Germany has determined that domain registrars can...
The Popcorn Time fork formally known as Time4Popcorn has released a new version of its client which they say is "impossible" to take down. The...
Uploader slots have become available!
VKontakte has sent a letter to the office of the United States Trade Representative asking it to remove the "pirate" stamp it received in recent...
All torrents are FreeLeech between 05-11-2014 - 10-11-2014
Following his arrest in Thailand on Monday, local authorities are already preparing Fredrik Neij's deportation from the country. The Pirate Bay...
Since the assessment is turned on, the server pressure doubled, resulting Tracker red species, statistics is not normal, you can not access the...
Depuis 2 ans, ou presque, nous vous parlons d'une V2 pour notre tracker. Les aléas du site actuel, de nos vies IRL également et d'autres...
We currently have a few positions open for developers and designers to come and join the team here at AHD. What you will be doing is working on...
Pirate Bay founder Fredrik Neij has been arrested in Asia. Neij had moved to Laos to avoid the jail sentence handed down for his involvement in...
Four hundred police officers raided 121 homes today in a crackdown on the popular linking site Boerse.bz. The homes are believed to be connected...
A majority of the Dutch Parliament has backed a proposal to target online piracy through warning popups on "pirate" sites. The warnings should...
The SSL certificate has been updated, accessing UHDBits should not give out errors anymore.
A first-of-its-kind FBI operation carried out in 2012 targeted several unauthorized Android marketplaces, seizing their domains and arresting...
Film: Italian cinema under fascism All subtitles made for this MoM (translations and transcriptions) will receive a tracker bonus. Ends 30th...
Stock trader and penny stock expert Timothy Sykes has added a new way to make money to his already impressive repertoire. With the assistance of...
Bonjour voici le dernier e-mail que vous recevrai pour avertir que notre nouvelle adresse du site est http://empereur-team.ovh une inscription...
Sorry for the recent downtime. There was a hardware problem on our server (which has now been fixed). Please continue to seed your torrents and...
After more than a month of downtime the popular MP3 search engine MP3Juices made a comeback this weekend. The site, which had its .com domain name...