- For every uploaded Horror movie in November you will receive 5 Gb, another 3 Gb if not yet on the site + 1Gb for every collection item (type,...
During today an essential to do some work on the server. The reason is simple and reliable as possible, during peak hours because the server does...
You can now add a torrent to a group by clicking on the "Add version" in the torrent detail page. Please do this so torrents are grouped...
11月不孤单,大片陪你撸,HDtime给力开放注册公告 无奈又是一度光棍节,光棍不可怕,最怕是孤单!经多次与技术协调沟通,并几次调整服务器后,HDtime管 理组决定将于11月5日开始开放注册,不限定时间全天侯开放,关闭时间为月底,同时于即日起全站免费11天...
This year marks 100 years since the outbreak of World War I, but the general public in the UK still doesn't have access to original unpublished...
各位会员, 本站因开放注册迎来了很多新鲜血液,为了保证网页浏览流畅,我们在后台适当调整了一些统计参数的更新间隔, 给某些会员造成了统计有bug的错觉。在此说明,服务器统计完全正常,请大家稍安勿躁,系统不会漏掉您的任 何数据,只是更新间隔稍大。关闭注册后我们会恢复统计间隔,及时更新用户数据。...
Police in Germany are closely connecting BitShare with the on-the-run admins of streaming portal Kinox, but the site's CEO informs TF that police...
The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'Dawn of the Planet of the Apes' tops the chart this week, followed by ‘Let's Be...
Australia's administration has introduced a Data Retention bill, learning nothing from the court rulings that declare the practice to be in...
NEW PotM: "Computerwelt". See here : http://www.secret-cinema.net/viewtopic.php?id=37054 And a happy Halloween!
The number of takedown notices sent by copyright holders has skyrocketed after Google implemented its new search downranking algorithm. The new...
We have now given 2 invites to all members. Please use these invites carefully and make sure to invite users that you know will maintain a good...
Hi! The maintenance for our server will be started at 13h00 GMT+7 which is estimated about 12 hours. Sorry for inconvenience.
Congratulations to dicky2244 and Buggy on your promotions very well deserved
We would like to thank everyone who donated and celebrated our 8th birthday with us. We have created a new theme for you (Cuplite) based of the...
Copying a song, movie or image without the creator's permission is illegal in many instances, especially so if the infringement is intentional....
[IMG] You read that correctly, but before we get into the details, we have something important to say to you: We heralded What.CD's one...
Futni? Azt csak akkor kell ha kergetnek. XD Én testépítek, de ez magában foglalja aerob edzést is, hiszen anélkül hamar kifogynék a szuflából, és...
Sok tipp érkezett és volt is olyan, aki eltalálta, hogy melyik formáció új korongja jelenik meg nálunk hivatalosan holnap. A helyes megfejtés a...
Üdv. Hát vannak emberek akik a levegőért is pénzt kérnének. :D Kezdő koromban sok meghívócserével foglalkozó oldalra regisztráltam. Nem pont...
Pénteken érkezik az első nálunk debütáló kislemez, amit maguk a szerzők ajánlottak fel a közösségnek. Egyelőre csak annyit árulunk el, hogy egy...
Édes voltál kiskorodban. Csak tudnám mikor siklottak ennyire félre a dolgok? :D
[MEDIA] View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VV1XWJN3nJo
[IMG] Requests are the best encouragement for users to find and upload rare, interesting, or new content to the site that otherwise might be...
Over the last few months we've noticed that donations have been dwindling. Of course we can not expect everyone to donate on a regular basis....
Tegnap bizonyára sokan tapasztaltátok, hogy az oldal bizonyos funkciói nem elérhetőek, Hit'n'Run figyelmeztetés jelenik meg helyettük. A hiba...
TorrentZilla Needs you [IMG] This image has been resized, click here to see fullsize. Currently we are lacking a few essential guides and...
Hope you all had a fantastic Halloween. Clean up after these parties is always the worst. So many body parts and only one shovel. Anyway, on...
Well, it's been a fun week, boys and girls, and you've plundered our horror and gore torrents to a truly impressive extent; 73,987 freeleech...