What would Halloween be without the treats! For a very limited time, ILT has exactly that for all our members.. Regular donations for upload...
Google announced today that it will roll out a new search update to "visibly" lower the search rankings of the most notorious pirate sites. The...
On our way to become a bigger and better site we arrived to the second part of our rebranding plan and also changed some Gazelle source code. As...
IRC is now back online. Unfortunately, NickServ and ChanServ registrations were not carried over, so you will need to re-register those if needed....
In a landmark ruling handed down this morning the High Court has ordered several of the UK's leading ISPs to block websites dealing in counterfeit...
Github says it has made significant changes to the way it handles DMCA takedown notices. In an effort to boost transparency, the collaborative...
Hi Raiders, It is alas with a heavy heart that we have been forced to switch the Hit & Run System back on! Why have we done this you ask? Well...
Today Wikileaks released a new draft of the secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement. The intellectual property chapter covers a wide...
公告 关于无法连接tracker导致红种的解决方法: 1. 如果是https导致红种,可以全选种子并修改tracker为http连接方式。 个人设置页面不要勾选 "使用SSL数据加密协议连接Tracker(BT客户端)"。 2. 若仍然无法解决,请修改hosts。 方法参考此贴...
As stated in the title, you should now be able to connect on torrents again. If you still have problems, let us know in the forum.
A second defendant has pleaded guilty following a private copyright infringement prosecution initiated by music group BPI. In the most notable...
Penalty notice on the recent leak passkey lead to leakage of exclusive resources Recently found that some members because passkey leak, resulting...
A music rights group has become the first organization to successfully force a copyright-focused website blockade in freedom-friendly Iceland....
A number of record labels, including Sony, Warner and Universal, have forced the Italian Communications Regulatory Authority to order all Italian...
Following many other counties across the world, the United Kingdom has finally allowed its citizens to make personal copies of digital content if...
Because this is the first day of the new tracker, we've added a new promo signup. You cand send it to your friends, and they will have: upload:...
The old Cartoon-Bits is now CartoonBits. Please use the new domain http://www.cartoonbits.com The old tracker was closed due staff problems. For...
After making headlines all over the Internet Google has decided to take down the sitelinks search box for The Pirate Bay. Perhaps worried that it...
The Czech Pirate Party has booked several surprise wins in the local elections. The party gathered 5.3% of the total vote in the capital city of...
A new study carried out in Australia has found that most 12-17 year-old teens are not online pirates, with around 74% abstaining from the habit....
Hi Raiders, We're looking for a Coder who is adept in php who is willing to help us with coding as and when needed. First off if you can't code...
In case anyone here is interested and able to bid on this, there's a lot of 94, very spleeny, VHS tapes up for auction on eBay. There's 3 days...
We are experienceing some technical difficulties with one of our main seedboxes, please bare with us until we can get it seeding again. To help...
An anti-piracy outfit 'blockaded' by the Pirate Party last week in Austria has revealed its expanded plans for website blocking. The...
All pm on the site will be deleted tonight thanks
[活动]“2014暑期大片面面评”有奖活动 从五月揭幕,到八月收官,2014年的内地暑期档,四十部中外大片轮番登场国内,想必你已经在电影院陶醉于 光怪陆离的电影世界!而且,暑期大片蓝光碟在十月密集发布!在观影的同时,是不是也有很多话想说,是不是也...
UPDATE: We have successfully repaired the database, unfortunately all torrents uploaded in the past 11 hours were corrupted and so we've had to...
While Popcorn Time continues to have its ups and downs, a new release aiming to muscle in on the famous app's patch has hit the Google Play...
Server migration to a new platform, site and tracker fully supports IPv6 access. Early modified the machine hosts a member, please delete the...
We've added some additional hardware (a load balancer) to try and mitigate some of the issues we've been having with site speed and availability....