Two years ago Gregory Cherwonik was sent to prison for his role as sysop of the famous movie piracy group IMAGiNE. After having served more than...
Hey guys, There have been a substantial number of failed login attempts over the past few days. We believe someone is using a database of...
Üdv. Nyiss neki új témát. Minden hír, külön téma.
[IMG] We know not all of you visit the forums (you really should!!) so we wanted to let you know about some of the contests we have running....
Bit late this time, but this is relaxed community, right... [IMG] As always these will be freeleech for this month ONLY. All previous Freeleech...
The air is starting to feel thicker, and every night leaves you drenched in terror sweat from the anticipation of the inevitable sense of horror...
If you check out this new domain: PublicHD Torrents - coming soon it says that PublicHD are coming back. Lets just hope it's true! You can check...
Since his hectic election campaign came to a close last month, Kim Dotcom hasn't given a single interview. On TorrentFreak today he breaks his...
The popular sports streaming 'franchise' Sportlemon has lost, one of its main domain names, following a request from the UK's Police...
We will not be running an uploading event for October :-/ . The reason is, we gave out quite a bit of ratio during the three consecutive events...
Don't ask us when, where, how or why.At some point it will be done, eventually. Maybe ratioless, too. Enough said for now.
Hi, Just to inform out beloved HDME member(s), member(s) now when seeding 200+ torrent(s) will be getting seedbonus for every torrent they are...
公告 网站开启了流量过滤以应对CC攻击。如果您发发现浏览网站困难或出现502,请不要狂刷狂点,目前只是访问 速度较慢,请耐心等待或稍后再访问。 如果发现您或您的朋友是静态IP且完全访问无法网站,可能是IP被锁,您可以代替朋友在申诉页面申诉,留下 IP地址。或让本人去贴吧申诉。...
Following a complaint from Sony, Warner and Universal, the Italian Communications Regulatory Authority has ordered all local ISPs to block access...
国庆狂欢继续给力 优惠继续至10月8日8点!!! Google Fordító: Nemzeti ünnep Carnival továbbra is hatályban Ajánlatok folytatni, amíg a 08:00 október 8-án !!!
Uploading rules were updated. So read them
After a legal battle that went all the way to the European Court, Austrian ISPs have been defeated in their battle against pirate site blocking....
On Friday, Thom Yorke released an experiment: a new album called Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes; a new way of distributing music via BitTorrent Bundle....
Developing on the BitTorrent Sync API? Our developer evangelist is here to work with you. In last week’s Sync Dev column, I wrote about my home...
Google has been asked to remove half a billion copyright-infringing URLs since it started counting three years ago. The listing of pirate sites in...
The SSL certificate has been updated, accessing UHDBits should not give out errors anymore.
In a surprise move Kim Dotcom has sold all of his shares in music startup Baboom. Speaking with TorrentFreak, Baboom chief executive Grant...
It looks like Google’s anti-trust case launched by the European Commission may appear bigger than the one which cost Microsoft over €2.2bn....
To celebrate the Chinese National Festival, torrents seeded by 5 or less users will be free for a week. OpenCD Staff
As AlphaRatio didnt hit 100% Donations i have Ended the FreeLeech. A new wave of AR Seedboxes will be on the site within the next 24hours.
Some Recent Changes to ScienceHD Some changes have happened around ScienceHD that we'd like to tell you about in case you didn't notice them....
A band playing festivals all around Europe and currently featured on the homepage of The Pirate Bay have dedicated a track on their new EP to the...
The scope of this MoM is films about World War One Leave some feedback, the uploaders and subtitlers do appreciate it.
Dear Members and Friends I am writing to you today to ask all of you collectively for HELP + ASSISTANCE As some or all of you may be aware, I...