风清月明,金秋送爽;神州奋起,国家繁荣;山河壮丽,岁月峥嵘;江山不老,祖国常春! 值此六十五周年华诞之际,祝愿我们伟大的祖国永远繁荣昌盛! HDSky管理组全体成员向亲爱的小伙伴们表示最真诚的祝福。 愿好运、健康伴各位HDSker一生!...
HDFrench-Zoniens, Un futur tracker est en préparation. Il ne possèdera pas de shoutbox. Nous allons à la place utiliser un serveur de discussion...
As we are starting to get things in order for our 2015 season, our 10th year on the internet, we would like to serve all our community members...
Jûsan-nin no shikaku (AKA 13 Assassins) is the movie of the week!
An organization created to help injured veterans has sued a group with similar aims over a copyright dispute. The Wounded Warrior Project says the...
HD City wish the general public happy Mother Day ~ wish our motherland prosperity, peace and prosperity
Cool with interest, Moon boundless, the occasion of the National Day of, in order to make pro-quality at an affordable price to enjoy...
Starting today UK citizens are free to copy MP3s, CDs, DVDs and live broadcasts for personal use. After an unexpected delay, UK copyright law was...
NEW PotM: "Sting like a Bee: Great Boxing Films". See here.
国庆小长假来临,预祝各位站友度过一个开心祥和的国庆假期:高速不堵车,景点不排队,彩票中头奖,工资翻几 倍!同时全站FREE至10月7日晚24时,站友开足马力吧! Google fordító: Országos Kis karácsonyi szezonban, kívánok...
We just had a downtime of about 48 hours, due to database issues. Some download logs was lost. Site wide free leech 48h
When the Popcorn Time app brought BitTorrent streaming to the masses this year the "Netflix for Pirates" gained the hearts of millions. Today, one...
[IMG] The staff have conferred, dear delishers, and we have fashioned two new rules regarding uploads. From now on, until the end of time, let...
$$$ DONATE HERE! So it's been about 16 months since we had to do this last, but our funds are almost gone. We hate asking for money, but our...
With the exclusive release of Thom Yorke's latest album BitTorrent developed itself into a paid music service. With over half a million downloads...
The future of streaming music service Grooveshark is in doubt after a United States District Court issued summary judgment in one of the cases...
Ez az oldal jelenleg számlatarozás miatt ki van kapcsolva.
国庆福利 美图天下活动(美女版主主持) 但凡是晒出2014年十一大假期间出游时照片且晒照数量达到10张的,都能得到500茉莉花的奖励噢,具体 见: 各位同鞋,一年一度的十一大假就要来临啦~~([em119] [em119] )...
Check out our latest featured album - Sword House's new single "Blisster." You can download it here, and go here to discuss. Enjoy
Hi Raiders, So we didn't receive 100% donations last month. Now to top it all the server that the bot uses to upload here is failing due to a...
We have made some slight tweaks to our rules establishing some differences between advertising and crediting. See the summary below for more...
The popular image sharing service Imgur is facing millions of dollars in damages for failing to remove a series of copyrighted photos. The website...
Hi members, We have opened our new site and invite you to join us there. You will need to reset your password using the MAIL RECOVER feature at...
昨日因服务器机房问题,维护过程造成论坛数据丢失,给各位HDSky会员带来不便和极大的损失,菠菜区福 利盘大家回过贴的请再去确认一下您回的帖子还在不在,不在的话请重新竞猜,种子区如果数据丢失的请您也再次 确认一下,如果不在了请删除旧种重发,系统会自动识别做种,给大家带来的不便再次道歉...
Hello all, Ever since we started PreToMe, we've been depending on you, our users, to make sure the bills are paid and our content stays...
The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'Transformers: Age of Extinction' tops the chart this week, followed by ‘Edge Of...
The four-year legal battle between Universal Music and Grooveshark is heating back up with the label now calling for summary judgment in the case....
Bonus ball is currently on a double rollover so lots of points to be won, if you dont have a bonus ball number go to...
Hello, Its again the time of the month when we have to ask for your donations. With being stuck at only 26% since the past 2months donations...