Imagine an Internet in which every possible creative work uploaded results in a copyright claim - because it's already been created. That's the...
Only 72hrs Left! In 72hrs, these prestigious accounts will be locked back up and be a VIP direct upgrade only once more. These memberships...
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to a new Through your support we are always aiming to improve the site for our users. Today we...
Since last year City of London Police's Intellectual Property Crime Unit have been working with copyright holders to tackle online piracy. The...
The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz (2014) The story of programming prodigy and information activist Aaron Swartz. From Swartz's...
We have an opportunity for every one of you with friends to invite and no invites to give them, for this weekend each of you, regardless of...
In the interest of going up torrents ... According to the decisions taken at the last conference, the following changes in the rules: 1) No...
Kelby Training - Terry White - Using the iPad in Your Photography Workflow The iPad has taken the world by storm and has increasingly become a...
It's been brought to our attention that the poll is misleading for some, so we've changed the wording and started it over in case some of those...
We will not be running an uploading event for October :-/ . The reason is, we gave out quite a bit of ratio during the three consecutive events...
U.S. District Judge Kathleen Williams has ordered Warner Bros. to unseal documentation detailing its flawed anti-piracy technology. The records...
Liebe Community, nach nun mehr als 10 Jahren Quorks-Geschichte ist jetzt leider die Zeit gekommen, an der wir uns von Euch verabschieden und den...
Már többen vagyunk, mint Székesfehérvár lakossága. Köszönjük [IMG]
Konkrét változás: Tiltott játékok: - Meridian - New World
Detto XD
Itt nem a lopáson van a hangsúly. Hanem ahogy az egész dolgot kezelik. Leszólják a belsőkört, a szójátékokat, stb, de ők maguk azért létrehozzák....
Üdv. Most én dühöngenénk egy sort. A tököm tele van már a sok nyomorékkal, akiknek egy önálló gondolatuk nincs. Lehetnek itt más oldal staff...
The server load is very high at the moment. Retrying, please wait...
BeyondHD very first monthly Lotto draw! Available to classes Member +. Lotto can be found in profile/links/lotto. So stock up on BP for the end...
For the time being we are still running on a manual donation system, but I will be checking my personal messages at various points each day to...
As the hacking trial of Gottfrid Svartholm and his alleged accomplice continues in Denmark, IT experts have been giving evidence. The prosecution...
In a surprise move Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke has released a new album, not through the regular channels, but via BitTorrent. Yorke is not...
Üdv. Most elvileg abban gondolkodnak, hogy ugye fizetős legyen a torrentezés. Ez a fő irányelv. Ha már betiltani nem tudják, lecserélnék a saját...
Looking for a new hosting solution. Thanks for your patience.
Would you like to get acess to 28 New Books of NLP for ONLY 5 dollars this are only a small list of all the ebooks that you will enjoy and we...
[IMG] A Webisztán blog szúrta ki, hogy a Netflix oldalán megjelent álláshirdetésben magyar nyelvű embereket is keresnek, lokalizációs...
[IMG] Legutoljára két éve írtunk a Pirate Bay infrastruktúrájáról. Akkor az volt a nagy hír, hogy az oldalt a dedikált szerverekről átköltöztették...
Un futur tracker est en préparation. Il ne possèdera pas de shoutbox. Nous allons à la place utiliser un serveur de discussion instantanée "plus...