Hi Raiders, The site cannot survive without donations to pay for the seedboxes that RTN's bot uses to upload here. Please donate and support RTN...
CHD official group waiting for you to join (click: http://chdbits.org/forums.php?action...&topicid=92004) CHD official birth of the first QQ...
First let me say that I'm truly sorry for the discrepancy we had yesterday on the funding meter as many of you are aware of. This was my fault and...
The parent company of luxury watch maker Cartier is trying to expand the grounds on which websites can be censored in the UK. In an action against...
The makers of The Expendables 3 are still hoping to catch the person who leaked the movie weeks in advance of its official premiere. Movie studio...
After Rupert Murdoch's News Corp branded Google a "platform for piracy" last week, Google has today returned fire. The search giant says that...
We know, should sort itself within 24 hours. Kane
Üdv. Szép kor, de a papától még messze van. Kirk Douglas: Született: 1916. december 9. (életkor 97)
[IMG] Az Andrew G. Vajnához köthető magyar társaságok 4 év alatt 33,3 milliárd forint árbevételt értek el, a cégekből osztalékként 3,5 milliárd...
lottery is now open buy youre tickets and win 3.42 tb [IMG]
As you know last month we sent out our monthy news letter to all members accross the site & approx 170 bounced back as failed mostly been due to...
In order to keep the site alive, we accept donations. All money raised will be invested in our servers, bandwidth provider. Keep in mind that this...
Banner contest winner of this month is: brainy!
안녕하세요. 운영자입니다. 개인적인 사정으로 몇달간 사이트를 제대로 관리하지 못해 먼저 죄송하다는 말씀을 드립니다. 서버 이전 후 운영진 쪽지, 후원 자동 적용, 초대장 발송 등 문제가 남아있습니다. 쪽지와 초대장 발송 등은 현재 작업중에 있으며, 후원의...
[IMG] Torrentzilla servers need attention The sites systems currently remain online but with our servers showing signs of age, hardware failure...
Since we are dedicated to bringing you better services and user experience, we have been working on a New and Improved ScB 2.0, which is in BETA...
[IMG] image taken & shared by Seaweed1010
A show of solidarity for Ferguson [IMG] Kraytracker SSL url For older news posts, click here
Time to get back to the studio as fall or autumn is back........ Summer how we miss you already [IMG]
Regular evildave333 has nominated flipnast for his second MOTW with mix of underground hiphop titled 'Dope Beats n' Treats vol 2' Check it 198 ....
As of most of Festivals have already ended, it seems like a good time to give out some more tokens. It's time to think back on all the events and...
Our monthly operating costs are $158, this pays only for a leased dedicated server. Helping will secure our community for future growth - we have...
As always these will be freeleech for this month ONLY. All previous Freeleech picks are now back to normal. To qualify on downloading FREELEECH...
The tracker is currently experiencing some downtime and should be back shortly. Update: back up and functioning.
With all the new members joining recently we thought it would be a good time to issue a reminder of our upload rules. Totally Kids accepts child...
We had a long way and we fought to protect the P2P and delivered to our awesome users thousands of torrents with great content Sadly, due to the...
Det är med stor sorg i mitt hjärta jag måste meddela att mitt kära barn, SweTV idag tyvärr måste gå i graven. Det har varit tal om nedläggning vid...
The scope of this MoM is films by or about Carlos Hugo Christensen Leave some feedback, the uploaders and subtitlers do appreciate it.
Witajcie!! Idąc za trendami oraz Waszymi propozycjami oddajemy w Wasze ręce aplikację mobilną do oglądania PSiG TV na najbardziej popularną...
We would like to announce our updated 3 tier VIP Program! You asked and we listened. After careful evaluation of our regular donation program...