Dear users Rds-Zone tracker was taken over by other people with the hope that we may raise by more activity and more quality You can find us here:...
Coppersurfer, one of the largest BitTorrent trackers on the Internet, has been taken offline after it refused to block 'infringing' hashes.... is not moving to a new domain like some of you received by email. Some of the staff members decided to go away to a new website and...
Visitors to compromised WordPress site were redirected to a fake Pirate Bay website which is distributing malware as part of a drive-by download...
[IMG] Welcome to PtN's easter egg hunt we have hidden movie easter eggs all over the forums in very random places and all you need to do is find...
Many moons ago, we launched a request contest to increase the percentage of filled requests on our site and breathe some new life into content. We...
Could the Conservatives pledge to block under 18 access to pornography mean the end of free porn in the UK? Is that a bad thing? Could it...
Hey All We have some requests that go as far back as September 2014, if you have a request in can you please advise m00g if you are still...
On April 11th 2015 we will be starting a NEW nominations page with new rules and twists. After the shows are nominated and the winners are decided...
REGISTRATION OPEN Powiadomcie friends;) * As a reminder, the new account includes a trial! * You can have only one account, assume the...
Last month Voltage Pictures, the company behind the movie Hurt Locker, was told to pay Internet provider Teksavvy $21,557 to cover costs in...
The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'Taken 3' tops the chart this week, followed by ‘Interstellar.' 'Last Knights'...
The staff OF XtremeZone presents torrent precious in April. Jesus.of.Nazaret.and.Religious.Movies.BluRay.720p. XviD.x264-xPACK is a precious...
A group of hackers going with the handle of Indonesian Cyber Freedom has hacked and defaced a sub-domain of the United Nations website, just few...
New research published by the African Governance and Development Institute shows that piracy increases literacy and the spread of knowledge. The...
French court has imposed on Internet service providers (ISPs) to block access to future tracker T411 torrents. The French rights holders, this...
By now, you have heard of the video streaming app called Popcorn Time. The app has been in the news a lot lately because it allows users to stream...
邀请邮件迟迟送不到基友邮箱怎么破! 想邀请朋友一起嬉戏,邀请邮件却迟迟送不到基友邮箱怎么破!为了解决部分邮箱到达率低下的问题,我们在首页 登陆框下方加入了输入邀请码快捷注册的方式,邀请人可以打开邀请面板,看到HASH一栏,这就是邀请码 啦,直接告诉你的朋友,免除邮箱收不到邮件的苦恼吧!...
Please be patient, do not open topics like "unable to download", still working on the problem! Everything will be back to normal soon!
Facebook News: The only way you can register Scenefz is through waiting list, click on this link: follow the...
正在集中进行被停用会員的甄別工作。 甄別对象:2009-02-27至2014-05-01期间注册的GigaByte及更高等级会员,以及未达此等级但上传量10TB以上者,以往无违规,20 13年10月起仅有一次被系统自动停用记录。曾任工作组和有发布记录者可适当放宽。按会员等级从高到低及u...
2015-04-05 - Palm Sunday, the sun rays, Palm tree sits pussy-willow swarms. Fluff those beads of dew sparkles, To this day you happy heart!...
A scheduled maintenance will be held on April 5th, at 9:00pm GMT and one or more of our servers will be affected. While there is a small planned...
With a DMCA notice sent to Github this week, Microsoft aimed to stop widespread access to its Russia-only version of Halo Online. But speaking...
Easter is here so lets have a double up on donations gbs and freeleech to match vip time . This promotion will last until tuesday 7th april.
Easter is here so lets have a double up on donations gbs and freeleech to match vip time . This promotion will last until tuesday 7th april..
The open registration has ended.
Are you happy with the current rules for seeding? Current rules for seeding: "Minimum seeding time is 48hrs or a 1:1 ratio." Is 48 hours too...
We are looking for new Moderators here at Xspeeds. Your main duties will be editing torrents as they come in and helping out members in shout,...
Good Afternoon, The administration of Scene-Rush, BitTorrent Tracker National hereby inform you that will be given a FREELEECH (Only upload is...