English Bits new changes one hour and 24 minutes ago During the brief to the Danish Bits change dramatically. We have given up trying to make...
Hey there, it's the April Fools' Day! No jokes this year, though, but some bonus invites for you. Everybody gets 3. They expire in 3 days so you...
The new Requests section is now up. Available via the torrents drop down menu on the header. Please post all requests there. Remembering to check...
As you all know there are other trackers out there similar to TtN. Some of those trackers are better and some of them are not as good as us. In...
2015-04-01 00:24:09 - Now testing: Automod 6 RC Guys, straight from the new version of the site: Automod 6 RC (release candidate). It is a very...
Just to clarify things up: We are not hdbits.org, we don't claim such a thing, so whoever said that, was obviously misinformed. Our site welcomes...
While rightsholders are lobbying hard for strict anti-piracy policies for the domain name industry, The Pirate Bay has hit back with an...
Netflix wants to offer the same content in each of the 50 countries it is available in. CEO Reed Hastings told Gizmodo Australia the online media...
I would like to thank all our wonderful members that donated and due to meter reaching 100% there will be 7 days of FreeLeech. Once again Thank...
2015-04-01 - Today, 24 hours every lady member who send us a message with pictures, which related to the page inscription, found objects (eg...
California-based Netflix is preparing a bold step by absorbing a former arch rival into its service. In a deal reported to be worth $11.5 million,...
Welcome to the March edition of the Waffles.fm Staff Picks. Please remember we do not look to balance genres or purposely seek out diversity -...
Happy Spring, GGn! Were kicking the snow off our boots and planting our spring flower beds here at GazelleGames, and an exciting new tree is...
Apr-01-15 - Could this be the largest gaming tracker In history? A lot has been going on behind the scenes at BCG and after 2 months of...
TCO HaB encode of the month - April This month, we have opted for a user who only encoded with handbrake, but earned the respect of quite a few...
Tickets are non-refundable Each ticket costs 10 which is taken from your seedbonus amount Purchaseable shows how many tickets you can afford...
We will open our registrations to welcome new users from Wednesday (1st of April 2015 at 12 AM GMT+8) to Saturday (4th of April 2015 at 12 AM...
Playful Dogs Wanted! Would you like to play with in a subgroup? Have humor, team spirit and if you like movies and series? We are looking for...
Then it's time for a new browse page, which should give a little better overview over sticky torrents. The new browse page is set by default but...
The UK's top IP advisor has published recommendations on how Internet service providers should deal with online piracy. Among other things, it's...
"Look at these bits, in flames they burn, And every now and then, fate takes its turn, While some still mourn, some will return, United we will...
網站人員招募 「壓制員」 - 要求電腦配置I7以上,帶寬大於50M,有充份時間配合任務,需長期,有經驗者優先。 請依照格式發PM 一、固定的在线时间 二、个人情况: 1、年龄: 2、网络条件: 3、压制用电脑配置情况: 4、联系方式(QQ): 6、邮箱: 請PM -> Link...
流量异常用户警告 各位流量出现异常的HDSkyer,你们的密钥已经泄露,请尽快重置! 重置方法:点击这里 并勾选“我想重置密钥”完成重置事宜,同时重新下载相关种子进行下载或做种,批量修改pass key参见...
Matthers is an invite/account trader, duper and was responsible for a DDoS on our site and tracker, together with some of his fellow Freshon...
Title: Theme of the month April 2015 http://i.imgur.com/GzIHW8f.jpg - FILM NOIR - for every uploaded on "FILM NOIR Movies" in April 2015 you...
In recent days gaming fans worldwide have enjoyed playing an amazing in-browser fan recreation of the Nintendo classic Super Mario 64. The full HD...
New site and invites!!! All, Invites are going out tonight to the relaunch of this site at www.hd-bits.com! We are on a new code base, have...
Dear Community, Roughly four months ago we made an announcement inviting coders within our community to apply to work on a special project. The...
Countering the drastic growth of Popcorn Time in Denmark, local filmmakers are planning to go after the application's users. This means that all...
For the fourth year in a row KickassTorrents is celebrating Happy Torrents Day by encouraging users to download and share as much as possible. The...