Beating the piracy crackdown looks as simple as declaring yourself a home business, without any paperwork. The clock is ticking on Australia's...
Rights holders could potentially block hundreds of piracy websites Blocking online piracy is long overdue in Australia and should steer consumers...
The U.S. Government has won its civil forfeiture case against Megaupload and Kim Dotcom. As a result, the U.S. now owns Kim Dotcom's bank...
开放注册&2XFree|Free Signup&2XFree 3月26日4月1日本站开放自由注册; 3月26日3月29日全站资源2XFree,活动期间发布者每个资源都会额外获得1000魔 力值奖励, Enjoy!...
Tracker Is Down The tracker is having issues. Update: tracker is working fine at the moment. Staff is aware of the issue and we will have it...
Πρόβλημα με το κατέβασμα αρχείων και την καταμέτρηση των στατιστικών. Τελευταία έχει παρατηρηθεί το φαινόμενο κάποια μέλη να μην μπορούν να...
Το τελευταίο διάστημα παρατηρείτε από πολλούς η άσκοπη προσφυγή σε Retrieve Password! (αιτήσεις για νέο κωδικό σε tracker-forum) πιστεύοντας ότι...
In recent months Hollywood has pushed Netflix to ensure that VPN users can't access their services. Netflix honors these requests, but according...
If you live in the UK and are unable to load Change your DNS to Google DNS How to change:...
Perfect 10 must pay $5.6m in legal fees following a failed copyright battle with Usenet provider Giganews . On the heels of a February ruling in...
Hello, We are glad to announce that we have another internal group. You can say hello and see more about the group from here. Also DONT forget...
Five key operators of the cyberlocker site have this week been jailed for spreading "depraved content". After making available masses...
Free VIP for USA and CANADA users! We have added a promotion just for USA/Canada people!! Read site news or check this link for more details!...
If you live in the UK and are unable to load Torrent Day Change your DNS to Google DNS How to change:...
IRC Bot! Good news! We now have an IRC bot! Be sure you set your IRC key on your profile! The default #ST3 channel is now private. To join,...
Inside The Edit Group Buy! PLEDGE NOW:
GR τορρεντ (aka kryve) OI EΓΓΡΑΦΕΣ ΑΝΟΙΞΑΝ!!! - Admin - Σήμερα, 05:11 PM Οι εγγραφές άνοιξαν για περιορισμένο χρονικό διάστημα. Ενημερώστε τους...
Icon Competition Dear DB User Do you have the right skills to fix some cool new icons for our torrent categories , so there is the chance to...
Major UK Internet providers must now block more than 100 piracy related websites after a new High Court order. The latest blocking round was...
免费代码已恢复正常 最近很多HDSkyer反映免费种子计算下载量问题,维护人员已找到原因并修复。经过多次测试确认免费代码 已经恢复正常,特此公告。之前给各位HDSkyer造成了不少困扰,对此管理组表示深深的歉意,同时要感谢 各位对我们一如既往的理解和支持!...
全站限时免费一天至2015.03.25 00:00:00 最近有新注册的会员反应本站的资源很多都没有优惠,不敢下载,所以本站决定全站FREE至开放注册前,悉知 ! 另外我们已经制定了合理的新种优惠,为鼓励大家积极发种,现在会有较高的几率出现2XFREE 。 人人为我...
HDArea捐赠细则及奖励方案 站点开设以来,就一直有热心会员在询问捐赠事宜,现统一公布 捐赠细则及奖励方案如下: 1、现金捐款。 无论您捐赠多少,都是对我们莫大的鼓励,对于每一位捐款支持网站发展的会员,我们都表示最真诚的感谢!捐款 细则如下: 一次性捐款小于20美元,奖励...
15 hours of site data lost to server crash Dear DCD users, We regret to inform you that we lost 15+ hours of site and user data due to an...
In a response to the draft code tabled to deal with the Australian online-piracy problem, some of the world's largest music publishers have...
Bonus Points Users have bad ratios but loads of bonus points,Trade your points in for upload credit.. Enjoy!
Chatbox is temporary disabled. Do not ask in forum/helpdesk when it will be back! You can reach HD-Torrents through any of our 4 domainsȘ:...
The world's leading record labels are targeting Grooveshark with an unprecedented level of copyright complaints. According to Google, during the...
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限时开放注册通知 限时开放注册通知 HDBiger成立至今,承蒙各路大神为站内添砖加瓦,本站种子数终于突破1000大关,为此特别限时开放 注册7天(2015年3月26日-4月1日),在限时开放注册期间,本站可以自由开放注册,无需邀请,本站暂无新手考核和注册附加 要求; PS:...
A federal court in New York has issued a paralyzing verdict against the Chinese-based DVD ripping company DVDFab. Ruling in favor of AACS, the...