In recent weeks customers of UK ISPs have received letters from copyright trolls demanding settlement for alleged downloading of movies. Today...
Icetorrent Staff is recruiting Junior Moderators Rules Don`t be part of other trackers staff You must have a minimum of uploading experience...
If you live in the UK and are unable to load IPTorrents Change your DNS to Google DNS Or use...
UK Bitsoup Ban Update. Hello Everyone. As some of you already know Bitsoup got attached to a list in the uk that is being blocked. Most...
SeedPoints! Dear SceneFZ users: There was an error with the seedpoint system database. All the seedpoints were reset.As a result, every class has...
多分享其他各站的优秀资源 其他各站有不少优秀资源,希望大家可以在空闲时间分享到JOYHD,方便你我他。 希望大家踊跃发帖分享好资源 More resources for each outstanding share of other stations Other stations...
we are back online. For Uploading permission click on the link and leave a msg u will be given rights then
发布种子前请一定评估一下自己的做种能力! 你既要有充足的做种时间,又需要有比较好的上传带宽。 欢迎有实力的用户多发种, 上传带宽不大、做种时间没有保障的用户,请慎重发种。 如果多次出现别人没下完就撤种的情况,将会给与警告。请考虑一下别人的感受。 Be sure to evaluate...
2015.03.20 Tracker announce URL updates You can now choose a suitable line according to your network situation for your client software in UserCP...
The results of a new poll published today in Iceland indicates that the Pirate Party has just become the country's most popular political party....
Hello If you have the pleasure of helping Torrent Ice community and want to be part of our team , we invite you to make a request for uploader ....
New Bonus Points System Bonus Points system is renewed! So everybody will receive what he deserves depending from size and numbers of torrents...
Voltage Pictures, the company behind the Oscar-winning Hurt Locker movie, must pay $21,557 to expose 2,000 alleged pirates. Canada's Federal Court...
PTN's 7th Birthday It's that time again fellow pirates! Today we celebrate our 7th birthday here at PtN! With you, the users, we have ourselves...
A hacker group labelled Who am I = No nuclear power released data regarding the advanced power reactor (APR) 1400 and system plans from Kori...
网站已安装ssl,移动用户请用https访问下载! 如题,红种不能下载的用户请将种子tracker地址改为https Web site has been installed ssl, mobile users, please use https access to download!...
Kære alle, Vi er nu kommet et stort skridt videre i efterforskningen af de login forsøg der har været på mange brugeres konti. Vi har stoppet et...
Interviewer Highlights This post is the first in a series of posts highlighting the achievements of the...
The MetArt Network, a group of well-known adult websites, is cracking down on pirate tube sites. Through a series of lawsuits filed at a federal...
Microsoft just dropped a bomb that will echo through the world of software piracy for a long time: Windows 10 will be a free upgrade even for...
Popcorn Time was an instant hit when it launched just over a year ago: The video streaming service made BitTorrent piracy as easy as Netflix, but...
PT is to restore accidentally deleted a user registration system Some time ago the site maintenance, the system is set up not to delete the...
Blocking torrent sites It appears that some service providers have begun to block torrent sites again . Therefore, we have chosen to come in...
The registrations will be open from April 1st for 3 days!
Are you located in China, running a pirate version of Windows 7 or Windows 8 but fancy a shiny new version of Windows 10 instead? Well, your luck...
Hi All It's crunch time for the site, i now have to make a descision wether or not to keep the site running. As of april csa will be hiting me...
The UK's Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit says it has arrested the world's most prolific uploader of World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE)...
It is your responsibility to look after your account we have provided a history/snatch list and a uploaded list for you to manage your torrents...
2015-03-17 21:30:01 - Donation Time Sure, we took in a bunch of donations for the new hardware, but it will not do us any good without the simple...
Weve seen a few radical solutions to online piracy thus far, but India definitely topped all expectations: the Tamil Film Producer's Council...