We know that sales in music world have been declining for decades now, as rates of online piracy soared thanks to those file sharing sites like...
FOXTEL concedes it has a role to play in reducing the rate of online piracy while calling for new copyright laws to be broadened. IN its...
Full announcement: Peer Leaking Attack This morning PassThePopcorn suffered a peerleaking attack, similar to the one perpetuated against BTN...
There is still much to be added to our torrents, and therefore we offer some goodies for your help in the form of bonus points and Freeleech ....
Community Backup new drives collection Quote: Guys, we gotta buy new drives to push the project on. All of pbthal's stuff has been processed and...
Authorities are not interested in using the Abbott governments proposed data retention scheme to go after internet pirates, the assistant...
DESPITE Game of Thrones being available at the same time as it is in the United States and cheaper than ever before, Australians are still...
According to the local consumer advocacy group, despite the fact the copyright bill is designed to target BitTorrent, virtual private networks...
种子数破2000,原创种子破150小礼物已经发放 人性的小伙伴们 HDU经过低调的默默发展 目前种子总数突破2000 自压,自录制和DIY的种子数量已经突破150 特此发放小礼物,每人300魔力和3.3GB的上传奖励 请大家继续支持本站 一起快乐的低调玩耍吧! Translate...
Download.. download and download... Hello dear user, Sorry for spam, because left 2 days and i saw many user haven't login to their ago past 10...
Gazelle In the coming days and weeks we are no longer doing any more work on this current source effective immediately. Reason being is that TtN...
With the recent Open Signup we have had a mass of duplicate accounts created. This is against HDME rules and those accounts are immediately closed...
Hello, As many of you know there have been many changes in staff lately. I had decided to step down to be able to spend time with my family. It...
ENGLISH: 1, The site doesn't support utorrent 3.4.3 and above Click here to download their own green version of utorrent3.2.2 (build28595) 2, The...
The Motion Picture Association has obtained a High Court order requiring UK ISPs to block access to five sites that offer the popular Popcorn Time...
Demonoid, once one of the Internet's most popular torrent sites, is now barring users who try to visit the site with advert blocking software...
HBOs Game of Thrones attracted an audience of 18.1 million people in its fifth season premiere, including viewers who watched up to a week after...
As part of it efforts to fight piracy, the Nigerian Copyright Commission has planned to propose a digital copyright piracy bill to the incoming...
Using Viaccess-Orca's Anti-Piracy Solution, OSN Eliminated More Than 60% of Illegal Links, in Real Time, Throughout the Live Sporting Event PARIS...
Hi Guys, Open Registration has closed again we reached close to 3k new members so a big welcome to all of you. The site is back to invite only,...
Vote for the next staff pick Voting for the next staff pick is now OPEN. Your Vote Matters! Click image to vote. Due to the confusion some...
System will update on 1st of May Hello pengguna yang dikasihi, Untuk pengetahuan anda, kami telah sebarkan message ini beberapa minggu yang...
From AreaFiles: Quote: Unfortunately, Flux-Gamer is permanently CLOSED! Owner deside to shut down the tracker due to low traffic. Old URL is...
A Filipino IT professor has been arrested by local authorities on suspicion of running a pirate streaming site. According to ABS-CBN the professor...
sign-off compensation Two days ago, for some reason the station off station revive lead the faithful to sign off now to do a bit of compensation,...
Can we remind all users of our rules https://freshon.tv/rules.php?lang=en specifically this one: After you've download a torrent, you must seed...
UHDBits will open sign-up from April 27th, 2015 to April 30th, 2015.
As Grooveshark parent company Escape Media prepares to face off against the world's largest record labels in New York later today, the company is...
The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'Jupiter Ascending' tops the chart this week, followed by Furious 7.' 'Fifty Shades...
Stories are starting to appear about farmers unable to repair tractors and car aficionados unable to tinker with cars because of copyright...