Hi All It's crunch time for the site, i now have to make a descision wether or not to keep the site running. As of april csa will be hiting me...
As you may have noticed or heard our http://torrentshack.eu domain has been suspended after being reported for "Inaccurate Whois Info". After...
HDCTIY高清城市诚意招募 【压制员】:新人可加入,可培训,有分享精神,能持之以恒。 【分流员】:新人可加入,愿意rss下载本站官方组资源,硬盘空间充足者优先, 能持之以恒。 【录制员】:可录制国内/港台高清台的节目(如中央电视台、湖南卫视、HDJ、...
The Copyright Amendment (Online Infringement) Bill was today cleared for introduction into the Australian parliament. In a whirlwind of activity...
cartoonchaos.org Free leech DONATION TARGET MET - SITEWIDE FREE LEECH enjoy
EN Language - User: Maxim 15 Hit&Runs - Power User: Maxim 20 de Hit&Runs - Elite User: Maxim 25 de Hit&Runs - Extreme User: 35 de Hit&Runs -...
Universal Music Group has hijacked several YouTube videos of Bjorn Lynne, an independent musician from Norway. The world's largest music...
w00t It's Crazyhour! All torrents FREE and upload stats are TRIPLED!
We are aware of the current issues regarding site layout in chrome and hope to have these issues resolved soon. We apologise for any...
Belgian Internet providers have won their court case against music group SABAM, which had demanded a 3.4 percent cut of all subscriber fees to...
We are a private Tracker now! We are giving away VIP and SpecialVIP ranks every day ! If you wish to find out how to become VIP/SVIP , just ask...
Utorrent 3.4.2 Even though it is not allowed on site, members updating to this, be warned that it is installing 3rd party software - without your...
uTorrent version 3.4.2 build 28913 is now not permitted on this site. Staff and Uploaders still needed.
DVD Remuxes - 16/03/15 Members have begun a forum discussion about the possibility of DVD remuxes being allowed. We would like to get as much...
The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology decided that banning online anonymity systems, including Tor, in the United Kingdom is neither...
Greek-Team cc Η Εκδοση 3 του utorrent είναι ban στον tracker ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ: Από σήμερα δεν θα γίνεται δεκτή στο τρακερ η έκδοση 3 του uTorrent...
Title: Email Domains We are now allowing our current members and new members to register using email domains other than Gmail. It is our...
请不要胡乱求片、催片,最好自己学会DIY 近来可能是由于好片不断的缘故,有些会员给我们发来信息,要求对这片那片加字幕、做特效、加音轨什么的,说 素材都出了,怎么还不DIY出来,更有其它要求。...
TTHD资源更新迅速,各种版本兼容并蓄,很喜欢这里开放自由的环境,但偶尔碰到过有会员转载别站资源时, 修改了原来的文件名或是去掉别站原创小组的标记,这种情况的出现是对原作者的不够尊重,也违背了PT精神和...
A leaked build of Windows 10 has revealed that Microsoft may be about to utilize BitTorrent-style tech to deliver updates to its new OS. Deep in...
请及时修改密码 近期频出账号被盗,为确保账号安全,请全体会员近期修改密码。 Please change your password Recent frequent account theft, to ensure account security, we invited all...
Do to popular demand, we are proud to announce that qbittorent versions 3.0 and 3,1 are now whitelisted and allowed for use on the tracker. Theron
We know we have a lot of talented artists in our community , so we appeal to you to change logos internal groups FL , play * For details , visit...
After The Pirate Bay switched to CloudFlare's SSL service it is no longer being blocked by most UK Internet providers. Subscribers of BT, EE,...
Speed's Quiz Night Join us in chat tonight @ 8PM UK time for Speed's Quiz Night..
A time came again to open recruitment for internal encoding group , playHD . But this time, we do things a little differently , more precisely, we...
The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'Interstellar' tops the chart this week, followed by ‘Exodus: Gods and Kings.'...
Uploaders, you can use our in-house image host for torrent image hosting if you wish. Make sure you register - i will manually approve you once...
经部分HDUer反馈得到的信息 结合此次事件,在本站规则的基础上 我们将在一个月后继续清理一波恶意注册和假死账号 通过我们管理组讨论的算法统计,目前有1000多个账号进入了我们的观察名单 处于算法保密和可能误判造成的不愉快,我们不会公布观察名单...
/!\ Nouveau moteur de recherche Sphinx /!\ Bonjour à tous , vous le savez nous voulons ce qu'il y a de mieux pour nos membres et notre moteur...