History repeats itself. Unlicensed home manufacturing of copies was never the cause of the copyright industry's business problems; they created...
After lot of complaints, ANYONE abusing ANYONE for any reason on Chatbox will be permanantly banned
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ATENTIE! Dragi Utilizatori ai comunitãtii TorrentFile.ro: Conturile fara activitate se vor sterge. de sambata 14 Martie oele 24,00 Se inchid...
After years of debating U.S. Internet subscribers now have Government regulated Net Neutrality. A huge step forward according to some, but the...
uTorrent seems to be getting banned by almost every tracker atm it also install sum unwanted shit on your pc so please do not use that...
BE CAREFUL !! To not receive warn or not to have their account disabled. Each torrent seed should be kept at least 12 hours in a period of 72...
SparkTech -What is this section? - http://tinyurl.com/mubjoeu -Avisynth & You - http://tinyurl.com/n4jarw3 -Spark Poll -...
Hello fellow HDA members, We would like to remind you that we have an active contest on the forums and have some excellent prizes that you can...
The staff XtremeZone presents torrent precious in March. Romanian Movies Mega Pack torrent is a torrent XZ Precious available for download between...
Recruiting Uploader (Update) Deoarece mereu dorim sa ne imbunatatim serviciile si sa va aducem filmele si serialele preferate cu o viteza cat mai...
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You're never too old to learn something new and that certainly applies to a woman currently in hot water with European authorities. In what could...
New clean torrent search engine, owner says no ads will be added in the future http://getstrike.net/torrents/
Twitter and new domain We finally bit the bullet and set up a twitter account. You can follow us demonoidP2P Also, we have a new domain name...
Happy 5th birthday GGN! We've been busy with a lot of stuff behind the scenes lately, so we didn't have much time to plan a proper birthday...
Bitspyder Turns 9 !!! Contest + Goodies ! THANK YOU :w00t: For making Bitspyder what it is today, for helping us build a better community of...
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Hi all . We will announce Sunday night starting at 18:00 until late at night somewhere will work on the server that hosts XtremeZone . After...
New Invites Policy for Other Trackers Due to increased concerns regarding account security and to decrease the chance of users unknowingly...
In the beginning of The Pirate Bay's history the site was in Swedish. It was made by Swedes for their community. Other countries had their own...
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To honor and celebrate the life and writings of Sir Terry Pratchett, all of his ebooks will be freeleech, and his work in other formats, like...
Er din konto sikker nok? Kære alle, Der har i de seneste dage været mange forsøg på at logge ind på NG, med forkerte koder. Det er dog ikke...
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Virgin Media subscribers in the UK are being shaken down over alleged porn downloads by a Cyprus-based company. Worryingly, letter recipients are...
uTorrent version 3.4.2 build 28913 is now not permitted on this site. Check out our New Releases catagory Staff and Uploaders still needed...
Torrent naming - 13/03/15 Dear uploaders. We would like to remind you of certain written and rather unwritten rules or habits on correct torrent...
Unauthorized login attempts Nextgen.. As many of you already know, the part of the NextGens users been exposed to unauthorized login attempt ,...