Tellytorrents upgraded Today Fixed Bugs, some major issues Will Launch Telly VIP And VOD soon
As you know we had some unwanted downtime. enjoy some Global FreeLeech!
Special News|Open Regisration Firstly, there were lots of issues ongoing before-hand we have managed to fix...
BeyondHD monthly Lotto draw! Available to classes User +. Lotto can be found in profile/links/lotto. So stock up on BP for the end of the month...
The online Turkish hacktivist group RedHack has hacked and defaced the official website of Istanbul Police Association in tribute to Berkin Elvan,...
WordPresss MainWP Child Plugin has vulnerability and it is very much exploitable. Researchers at Sucuri have identified a vulnerability in the...
Sky Broadband customers who illegally download movies could be about to get a knock on the door from the authorities. The internet provider was...
Effectively immediately! uTorrent 3.4.2 will be banned. No future versions of uTorrent will be white-listed to be used with Bitsoup until a...
Even after almost a year, Facebook apparently has failed to fix a bug that lets attackers hijack accounts on sites that leverage Facebook login...
A lawsuit has been filed against NSA (National Security Agency) to preserve the rights of the 500 million Wikipedia users who visit the website on...
The Ultimate Ebook Library, TUEBL, is taking countermeasures against anti-piracy company MUSO for continued abuse of its DMCA takedown process....
The 'revolutionary' business model employed by the Internet pirate-chasers of Rightscorp Inc. is driving the company deeper into trouble with each...
Another domain added for all UK members: This will avoid ISP restrictions/blockings in the UK.
News uTorrent blacklisted PolishSource, like many other trackers, have chose to blacklist the 3.4.2 version of uTorrent. It contains BitCoin...
If you live in the UK and are unable to load IPTorrents Change your DNS to Google DNS Or use...
La torrent-ele care nu au seederi, se cere reseed o singură dată pe zi la fiecare torrent în parte. Cei care fac abuz de cereri vor fi sancționați...
Welcome in the new doghouse ! I have decorated it as the old one, so it looks familiar to you. There will be some pictures and the like that just...
VIP partner issues. Our current partner has some issues with renewing/creating new VIP accounts,so please select the Credit Card/BitCoin method...
The UK website blocking bonanza has started to move in a dubious direction. Several Internet providers are now blocking access to websites that...
The US trade office on Thursday called for a crackdown on website name registrars who fail to take action against sellers of illegal goods such as...
Australian filmmakers Tristan and Kiah Roache-Turner talk about their zombie film "Wyrmwood" and its journey from an IndieGoGo campaign to a spot...
We have a new contest! Please login and check it HERE! It's time for a new contest! This time we made a contest for forum icons, we have...
The UK's second largest ISP is about to hand over the personal details of customers to a company known for demanding cash from alleged...
Dont be Fooled Thank You for Purchasing Email Delivers Malware. Inboxes all over the world have been hit by another wave of spam emails....
网站建设了也有几天了,开始logo征集 Quote 网站logo征集,要求:本站主打美剧,设计的logo要能突出这点。另外能容易记住,印象不 易磨灭最好。 另外,感觉刷上传给vip的时限太少,现在更改为永久vip,毕竟是元老,感谢你们为1080做出的贡献, 辛苦了~!...
GFT, like many other trackers, have chose to blacklist the 3.4.2 version of uTorrent. It contains BitCoin miner EpicScale. Sure, if you want...
În viitorul foarte apropiat vom bana (interzice a se folosi) câteva versiuni de utorrent, începând cu versiuni peste v3.2 inclusiv, din cauza...
We are close to a new milestone! I speak for entire staff when I say were surprised by you guys! We never thought this community would grow so...
All torrents have been set 2x up and free from now on!
PT站本就是一个大家来共同经营的地方,不是我们一人或几个能够办起来的,靠的都是会员的支持。但是有部分 会员的行为与这些是非常相悖的,之前也注意到相关情况了,今天有会员提出来了,就此来说一下! 任何一个新站,起步不久的站,无论是会员还是资源都是比较少的,而且真正在这里下载的会员更少,所以在客观...