login http://redemption.pw tune into radio to gain points Sunday night quiz starts at 9pm UK time as always, join in have some fun and gain points
Kedves A Pénz7 nevezetű európai promóció keretén belül elindult egy Facebook játék, http://penz7jatek.hu Kalandjáték néven. Feladat: -...
Απο χθές δημιουργήθηκε κάποιο τεχνικό πρόβλημα με τον server του GreekLeech και χρειάστηκε να κάνουμε επαναφορά απο backup της 25/04/2015 το πρωί....
Piracy is the bane of the movie industry, and it has struck one of Hollywoods most anticipated releases: Avengers: Age of Ultron. Shaky versions...
Nearly 5,000 Internet users are expected to receive letters in the near future asking them some pointed questions about their online downloading...
A bill to combat Internet piracy of music and movies is heading to Gov. Rick Scott for consideration despite opposition from some of the nations...
Suspect arrested on charges of online piracy after he uploaded a film onto a video sharing website A man has been arrested on charges of online...
Following the introduction of Canada's notice and notice system earlier this year, hundreds of thousands of ISP subscribers have received piracy...
Development of the new Site (xbtmusic Version 2) We are slowly finalizing the work on the New Site. See below for detailed work progress. See...
A top-secret presentation made by the Federation Against Copyright Theft to Sony Pictures shines light on the complex investigations carried out...
We encourage you to try new styles to change the look of PS . In addition to the added once before dark style , has recently been added to olive...
HoundDawgs Lotteriet. Da mange af jer har hundekiks I ikke vil bruge, så har jeg besluttet mig for at hjælpe jer af med dem. Jeg ELSKER...
BitTorrent Inc., the company behind the popular uTorrent file-sharing client, has laid off close to a third of its U.S. workforce. Speaking with...
We're still experience some slight technicalities while bringing everything back online.. we're aware of the issues that you may be experiencing...
The website of the popular TV-torrent distribution group EZTV is showing some unusual changes again. It appears that the group's eztv.ch domain...
Bot Uploader. Ladies and gentlemen, we are proud to present to you BHDTV.NOT This little tool will make your life much easier.It's a simple...
http://www.reddit.com/r/trackers/com...a_notices_too/ http://prntscr.com/6xu2zs http://prntscr.com/6xu297 http://i.imgur.com/elbM0iJ.jpg Just a...
Hello . We are looking for someone who can help us configure and optimize nginx . Also to optimize MySQL . If nginx even help us configure it well...
The amount of points required change at any time ! Currently, the number of points required : 2000000 So far, the points offered : 484,464...
Popular TV-torrent distribution group EZTV is in trouble again. The site's new eztv.ch domain name has fallen into the hands of 'scammers' who are...
Theres only so many cool things to collect & use in life.. Theres.. The Geeks.bz ....with all its documentaries, radio, cookery, gardening plus...
People who run 'pirate' sites out of Russia have been given a final warning by the government. Amendments to local copyright law that come into...
As most of you know, we blacklisted uTorrent version 3.4.2, for security reasons, here on acid we try to keep it safe for everyone, so I'm posting...
鼓励发种 但是发布资源的发布者请把NFO信息补完整 截图暂时不作要求 Releasing is being encouraged But would you please make the full NFO in the page Thanks a lot
TV-Vault aka TVV where smart people go to find rare TV shows of the 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's as well as some of the well known shows of the 80's,...
Hello everyone! Please post and discuss any creative new features you might have for UHD. We will do our best to implement them as the site grows....
The blockade of the Pirate Bay by UK ISPs is causing trouble for CloudFlare customers. Several websites have been inadvertently blocked by Sky...
Less than 24 hours after the site moved over, the Isle of Man Registry has revoked the new domain name of KickassTorrents. Continuing the domain...
Netflix may adopt a lenient approach towards the VPN users, but reportedly HBO is planning to suspend violating accounts Netflix, Inc....
The International Publishers Association is taking e-book piracy seriously and has started to target websites offering free downloads. A series of...