Websites that distribute commercial movies and music online would be required to identify their owners under legislation passed by the Florida...
Australian internet pirates have escaped tougher sanctions as the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement nears completion. Fairfax Media...
The burden placed on companies to block copyright-infringing websites is not justified by the evidence that site-blocking regimes are effective,...
After promising so much the highly anticipated encrypted chat project Hemlis has come to an end. The software was left with too many obstacles to...
Maintance! Sorry, the server is currently in maintance mode.
Hello to all of you fans sceneFZ . Today we offer you a small contest that will give the opportunity to show you how much it means to the...
KickassTorrents, the largest torrent site on the Internet, has switched to a new domain name. Starting today the site will serve its torrents from...
We're back (again). Excuse the brief downtime, our provider has been targeted by DDoS attacks and our services have only recently came back. Any...
Staff from four of the UK's most popular cinema chains have been given cash rewards for hindering the work of suspected movie pirates. Eleven...
Pirate Bay co-founder Fredrik Neij (aka "Tiamo") has lost his effort to keep an original Nintendo in his cell while serving time at the Skänninge...
A local Russian court has ruled to ban 136 websites containing porn material by citing international conventions dated 1910 and 1923. As you may...
People all over the world have downloaded pirate copies of the latest leaked episodes of Game of Thrones. 4 episodes leaked online ahead of their...
We have finally finished all maintenance! Our server hardware has been upgraded to better cpu/ram/ssds, along with major internal software...
DNS issues are causing intermittent tracker, website, and irc issues, making them show locally as offline.
MPAA chief Chris Dodd has urged theater owners and customers alike to support WhereToWatch, a "one-stop shop" designed to quickly guide audiences...
Beathau5 Turns Two! DAY ONE Yesterday marked the second year of Beathau5's existence as a tracker, and with that come celebrations. Through the...
The fifth season of Game of Thrones began with a bang. The first episode of the season broke ratings records but at the same time piracy surged to...
HBO Now has warned all the non paying customers of HBO Now to pay for the services or else there connection to the channel will be cut. It all...
During his state of the industry address today at CinemaCon, MPAA Chairman and CEO Chris Dodd showed two videos of below-the-line crew members...
Australians could be blocked from accessing thousands of legitimate websites under the government's anti-piracy, website-blocking regime, consumer...
The proverbial Pandora's box that is opened whenever the topic of online copyright infringement is raised throws into sharp relief a host of...
The laid back Australian attitude has seen your average Joe turn a blind eye to the illegality of online piracy. However, as many have nervously...
Internal Group Hello, We are glad to announce that another group became our internal. You can say hello and see more about the group from here....
Google is entitled to see internal communication between the MPAA and Mississippi State Attorney General Jim Hood, a federal court has ruled. Hood...
The IRC server is currently down for some scheduled maintenance. This shouldn't take more than 6 hours. The server should be running agian around...
Should The Pirate Bay be allowed to carry on business as usual while using domain names under Swedish control? That's the argument the Stockholm...
As the battle over Kim Dotcom's fate continues, the entrepreneur was back in court today appealing the decision not to delay a June extradition...
Open Singups on HDME! Hey, Its been quiet sometime since we have had open signup's here on HDME. Well we have decided to open doors for new...
Don't include junk in your torrents. Gentle users, a swift perusal of the forums will reveal that there have been problems reseeding some shows...
Your ratio is your uploaded amount divided by your downloaded amount. Example 5GBs uploaded divided by 10GBs downloaded is a (.500) ratio. These...