Waffles Staff Picks - April Edition Welcome to the April edition of the Waffles.fm Staff Picks. Please remember we do not look to balance...
A group of major record labels including Sony Music, Warner Bros. Records and Universal Music Group have filed a lawsuit against the operators of...
HBO has started to crack down on paying customers who access the HBO Now service from outside the United States. Subscribers from countries...
In a submission to the Copyright Amendment (Online Infringement) Bill 2015, the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network has addressed...
The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'Furious 7' tops the chart this week, followed by ‘Interstellar.' 'Taken 3'...
Website Migration Phases Website Migration Phase 1! We will migrating to new website in multiple phases. We would like to start with content...
BitTorrent Inc, the company behind the popular file-sharing client uTorrent, hopes to start a new revolution with its people-powered browser...
Custom Avatars Return!! Custom Avvys Are Back! After several months of restructuring we're pleased to announce that Bitsoup's Design Team are...
RoFront staff decided that starting today , for two weeks , all classes can upload torrents ! Benefits : -For Each torrent climbed right , get...
It's been five years since the launch of Apple's iPad but how was the device initially received by the Hollywood studios? A leaked analysis...
The national conversation around online piracy and the usage of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) has heated up to boiling point in the last few...
HBO vows to cut off Australians who use overseas accounts to watch US-only shows such as Game of Thrones as companies step up anti-piracy efforts...
This week the first four episodes of 'Game of Thrones' were leaked online. And as the last decade has shown - in movies, TV, music and even books...
Update Registration has just been opened to TOR users. You should now be able to register through TOR, we value privacy as much as anyone but,...
HBO has sent thousands of warnings to Internet subscribers whose connections were used to share leaked Game of Thrones episodes. While there are...
Free invitations are available on demand for Power users , Super Seeders , Vips , Uploaders and Staff.
The superb Grand Theft Auto V was finally released this week on PC, setting off a wave of desperation in those looking to obtain the game for...
For the first time since the raid late last year, The Pirate Bay is allowing users to open new accounts again. Registrations have been closed for...
Competitions [end 25apr] Last 2 competition, Movie Title Pictionary & Guess the actor/actress finished, well done to all the winners! Assassin...
Emails from the Sony hack reveal that the MPAA asked its member studios to pay $165,000 each to upgrade the screening rooms of several U.S....
17.04.15 Updated Requests System. More info here https://hd-torrents.org/forum.php?ac...c&topicid=8830
Hello, Known Issues and being resolved for the loss of access to torrents. EDIT: IRC online services
A pair of Internet providers who defied TV company demands to switch off their VPN services will be sued in the coming days. CallPlus and Bypass...
If you've logged onto the Internet in the past few days, chances are you must be aware that not only is Game of Thrones Season 5 releasing this...
British internet users download most illegal copies of leaked episodes of new season, with nearly one in 10 IP addresses sharing them based in the...
Will driving 93 mph in a 30 mph zone be Dotcom's undoing? The US stepped up the enforcement of copyright law dramatically when authorities chose...
Former Pirate Bay operator Fredrik Neij can't play games on his Nintendo 8-bit console in prison. The prison denied the request because there's no...
BitTorrent has released a new version of its Android app to celebrate crossing the 100 million install mark for the first time an impressive...
Dubbed the "Netflix of Pirating", popular BitTorrent client Popcorn Time made its debut on the iPhone screen last week with an off-the-books iOS...