Music industry group IFPI released its latest Digital Music Report today. Documenting the latest developments in the ongoing piracy battle, the...
Last month, it was Kanye West and now its HBOs award-winning medieval drama Game of Thrones that must suffer the dreaded online leak. However,...
The big news about "Game of Thrones" Last weekend wasn't the comparative blood-and-gore quotient for Sunday night's season five premiere, but that...
With data retention now in the law books and rights holders given the green light to chase individual pirates, VPNs are more popular than ever...
Twitter Inc., responding to reports that people used its Periscope live-video service to stream HBOs Game of Thrones, said the app shouldnt be...
There are no two ways about it, games have gotten bigger. While many people are celebrating the launch of GTA V on PC today, most fans had to...
UPDATE 14.04.2015 : All things are ok for some days regarding DDos so you can enjoy the site whitout no problems.Feel free to contact us if you...
Now that the IRC server is running smoothly once again after an DDoS attack, we can start SceneHD's birthday week. The 8th year of SceneHD is...
When Megaupload was raided in 2012, more than 1,100 servers were seized in the United States. However, an additional 32 were also locked down in...
AnimeBytes Top 50 Anime Collage #4 We're pleased to bring to you AB's fourth annual top 50 anime collage and our first official one! Forevabronze...
We are aware that RSS is not working properly. Bare with us while we work on a fix ! //Staff
Λόγω αλλαγής της διαχειριστικής ομάδας ο άλλαξε σε . Οσα απο τα παλιά μέλη του θελουν να συνδεθουν πρεπει να...
SUPPRESSION DE THÈMES ET MISE À JOUR GLOBALE Nous avons mis à jour tous les profiles et fixé tous thèmes de tous les membres. Nous supprimons...
New-AsiaTorrent-Early-Beta-Testing!!! UPDATED: 13 April 2015 - Now you can add Music torrents. - Account section is functional, allows you to...
After a careful investigation, the Ohio inspector general has concluded that more than a dozen prison staffers shared pirated music on a local...
Anonmous has set a giant lottery which will make 10 users very happy. Here is his news post We are having one of our Big Lotteries, there will...
It seems that after the Police bust on The Pirate Bay last year, the domain has habit to go down often. Yes, The Pirate Bay is currently offline...
April Master of the Month Film: Hungarian Cinema And as usual, all English subtitles created specifically for this MoM will receive double the...
The Motion Picture Association has written to Brazil's Justice Minister seeking exceptions to the country's fledgling “Internet Constitution". In...
1.网站招募美工一名,负责logo的设计,推广链接图片设计,有意者请戳猛戳 2.网站即将积极转载各类原盘,压制各类Pad视频,欢迎去求片区点菜,戳这里。 3.网站欢迎会员提各种意见,也欢迎有能力的各位加入网站的建设当中去。...
The Dallas Buyers Club LLC v iiNet Limited piracy court case raises many questions about what sort of trail people leave when they use technology...
BitTorrent's peer-to-peer browser from its Project Maelstrom has hit beta, offering publishers a new way of distributing content without relying...
Turn us away, and we will burn you first The first four episodes of the latest series of Game of Thrones has been leaked online with fans...
Saregama Online Streaming In one of the biggest moves by music industry in India, SaReGaMa has decided to offer 1.1 lakh songs from 14 languages...
Nominate Today Nominations are now OPEN!!!
BitTorrent Inc. released a new version the popular BitTorrent client uTorrent this week. The release aims to make it easier for users to avoid a...
1300+ Welcome new members! Registration is now closed. Invitations are disabled.
The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'Furious 7' tops the chart this week, followed by ‘Taken 3.' 'Interstellar'...
The Pirate Bay is down at the moment, causing a mild panic among many BitTorrent users. With the raid of last December fresh in mind some fear the...
New Client to Whitelist Do to popular demand, we are proud to announce that qbittorent versions 3.0 and 3,1 are now whitelisted and allowed for...