ΟΛΑ τα torrent θα είναι Free Leech μέχρι και 15/04/15. Όσο βλέπετε αυτό το μήνυμα και αυτή την εικόνα δίπλα στα torrent...
Ο σας εύχεται Χρόνια Πολλά Καλό Πάσχα με υγεία προσωπική και οικογενειακή και σας κάνει δώρο ένα 3ήμερο με όλα τα αρχεία FreeLeech...
we are opened for registrations. To register, you need one of the email providers: Gmail * Yahoo Mail * (not allowed)...
The filmmakers behind the action movie "Manny" have filed hundreds of lawsuits against BitTorrent pirates this year, but not have been successful....
New Description Rules (updated) We have updated our Description Writing Rules with what is required in the torrent descriptions, any torrents not...
[ROMÂNĂ] Stimați utilizatori trackerul Rds-Zone a fost preluat de alți oameni cu speranța că vom putea ridica nivelul prin mai multă activitate și...
Hello Everyone. We have had to shut down our entire donation system for a short while. More details to come shortly
Hello friends. As some of you may have heard already working on a brand INTERNAL sceneFZ subtitles site . On this site you will find the latest...
DO you want to join the staff at SceneTime Do you hate unedited torrents ? Do you have a few hours a week to spare ? Do you wish you could do...
Music practice as a form of meditation is not a new idea and much has been written about cultures relating to music in this way, such as India...
When the country's censors blacked out scenes from the film adaptation of the bestselling erotic novel, "Fifty Shades of Grey," many Zimbabwean...
Sylvester Stallone has given thanks to the Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit following the arrest of a man in the UK yesterday. The unnamed...
In March, online video game critic Jim Sterling discovered that one of his YouTube videos had been yanked from the site due to claims of a...
Game of clones: New series of Game Of Thrones is blamed for a 45% surge in Internet piracy The return of Game of Thrones has sparked a surge in...
Spring Cleaning, New Badges! and other madness happening.... Spring has finally come to the Northern Hemisphere; the days of the bitter cold and...
Apr-09-15 - Digital Gamer's Hive Hello and welcome to Digital Gamers Hive!! The Digital Gamers Hive is all about gaming with the Digital Hive...
Invites have been re-enabled. We are currently experiencing an issue where invites are going to spam even for gmail. Please inform your invitee of...
HDAreA网站临时开放注册三天!Sign up three days! 4.9到4.11 网站临时开放注册三天,欢迎新会员的加入! Sign up three days from 4.9 to 4.11
All services works ok now for the moment,but we still for on permanent fix for this not to happen again. We really apreciate your patience. MtV FTW!
The tracker was removed from public announce list and everything returned to normal. If you find something wrong, please contact a member of...
The EFF and the Entertainment Software Alliance are going head-to-head over the need to preserve functionality in abandoned games. The EFF wants...
Former Pirate Bay operator Fredrik Neij, currently the last person serving a site-related sentence, was recently granted access to a tablet to...
Hello everyone. It is obvious by now that there have been a few changes made with the staff. Before I get into it, I want to first say thank you...
Contest update We hope you all enjoyed the festive season. After the difficult process of selecting the best entries, we are delighted to announce...
April 2015 Mod Choices No joke, April's freeleech picks just in. As always these will be freeleech for this month ONLY. All previous Freeleech...
"Hello Friends, Just so you all know we are having some problems with DDoS attacks against our tracker. As a result of this DDoS we are having...
THE ULTRA-POPULAR VIDEO piracy app Popcorn Time has already picked a fight with the combined powers of Hollywood’s intellectual property lawyers....
New rules coming up next months! Hi dear user, Sorry for spamming PM to you all, just a reminder. Please download more then 5GB before end of...
BitTorrent and anonymity are not the same. If you really want to keep your activity private, your best way involves routing your BitTorrent...
Major labels including Sony, Warner and Universal are suing a man after he allegedly obtained unreleased music created by some of their biggest...