legutóbb a két pasi meg 1 kicsi 11. évadát töltöttem le 2014 áprilisába BTN-ről :D Kár, hogy nem tudom magunkat dislájkolni XD
Ratio Free Spotlight September 19 - 26 New RFS for September 19 - September 26 Stan Winston School - How to Make a Zombie Horde on a Budget...
First batch of inactive users with bad ratio is deleted.for any concern contact scenetime.
Following anger at the news that Peter Sunde would have to attend his father's funeral while handcuffed, humanity has prevailed. Mats Kolmisoppi...
I will make this one short and sweet (by my standards) Split and or rar'd or scene releases or whatever you want to call them are not allowed...
Its getting near that time of year again, the great month of October, so that means Octoberfest VI. Where the people who take part upload 1 movie...
This contest has been a long time coming. We offer no excuses, it took a long time. We had some shit to sort out, but now it's (mostly) sorted....
We have now removed the seedbox button from our torrent details page. This button is no longer needed and you are able to use the regular download...
As of some of you already know once you log in to the site and if there is a new Announcement & PM waiting you will now hear an audio track...
Millennium Films is cashing in on the leak of The Expendables 3 by demanding cash settlements from alleged downloaders. Those receiving notices...
There will be dupe uploads the coming days. If you report them they will be gone faster and you help the community. Kane
Hello all PWT members. As you know PWT has been under new ownership and management changes. We wanted to let everyone know that we are about to...
The Popcorn Time app brought BitTorrent streaming to the mainstream earlier this year. The idea was to have a free and open source project that...
A new report published by the Digital Citizens Alliance estimates that the most popular cyberlockers generate millions of dollars in revenue. The...
Freeleech ending in 12 hrs (23:59 UTC/GMT) Freeleech will end today at 23:59 UTC/GMT Have fun /Staff
Led by director Lexi Alexander, a collection of Hollywood directors, producers, actors, writers and other workers have teamed up in support of...
Hát el vagyunk látva "exkluzív" infókkal elég szépen. PTN, CN-ről is küldtem már be olyan híreket, amiket csak más nap publikáltak XD Majd ezt...
Oké, köszi, király vagy.
Üdv. Ezt az infót hol találtad?
All inactive and users with bad ratio accounts will be deleted soon.
After succumbing to a long illness, Peter Sunde's father has passed away. While the Pirate Bay founder will be allowed to attend the funeral,...
This is the reminder: The Freeleech Will End Tonight To encourage everyone who sent out reseed requests to continue leeching the torrents,...
You can read about it and discuss it in the forums. forums.php?action=viewthread&threadid=388#post3593
New items in the pharmacy! [IMG]
Internet provider AT&T has expanded its portfolio with a rather unusual patent. While most ISPs prefer to limit the amount of BitTorrent traffic...
With the new seasons around the corner, now is a good time to catch up on the old ones! Have fun. /Staff
In order to protect the interests of our members, please download the membership immediately disable DHT client functionality! Specific...
Prices / Spec list has been updated. You can read about it and discuss it in the forums. forums.php?action=viewthread&threadid=388#post3593
July 2014 was by far the scariest month Bitsoup has ever had to deal with. We were 2 weeks away of being forced to make changes to Bitsoup that...
[MEDIA] Én kérném a lord együttes, nekem nem kell más című számát.