Dear SceneTime members, We need your support with our monthly server bills. Without your support there will be no Scenetime. We are behind our...
The site was down for a DNS update. Hopefully it doesn't take long. Thanks, BS Staff
Due to the increase in peers on our tracker, our current server is no longer able to handle the load. You have probably noticed that our site has...
Due to tracker issues we have performed some tracker maintenance but unfortunately you are required to download all active torrents. You may do...
We do not recommend inviting friends while visiting and sharing their IP - this may result in an unexpected Duplicate IP ban for both of you!
To help everyone finish their downloads, The Freeleech Has Been Extended The torrents that are currently free will remain free until 16...
Hi, We are moving to a new faster site. We are intersted in bringing on some new staff members. All intersted please inquire on site to staff,...
Because there are other area like ours ( do not make confusion, that I recommend to use it with love.
12.09.14 Users with a ratio higher than 1.0 and 0 invites were given 1 invite. Use it wisely!
After our last emotional post, I promised you some more news. As with all things in life, after it's time to say goodbye, it's time to keep on...
- The previous, defunct forum for memers has been removed in favour of the Power Tripper forum (as briefly mentioned in the thread, the general...
Due to a slight issue in the code of our logchecker, many of the early log scores were incorrectly marked as 100% (such that no imperfect log...
While we are saddened to announce the absence of Neon and Rommel (2 of our longest-serving admins), we'd also like to use this opportunity to...
To help increase the availability of content and defer 'dead' uploads, a Hit 'n' Run system has been implemented - You are required to seed a...
The long awaited changes to the standard Gazelle class system have been implemented - the requirements have been changed to better suit the...
Well while we're writing about updates a little too sparsely to consider them all 'news', we've still had plenty of exciting changes we've been...
AlphaRatio is currently adding core changes to some of its systems, including both code and servers. Sadly jasonmaster is having internet problems...
Time to turn OFF our Anniversary party. We hope you enjoyed it. [IMG] This will be done in a few hours after the announcement. //MVStaff
Szia. Köszi a sok friss hírt. De ilyenkor mikor két külön álló hír van, kérlek külön küld be őket. Köszönöm.
Hát igen. Az utánpótlás pedig enyhén szólva is szánalmas.
We have turned on freeleech for the next 7 days, enjoy!!
Hallo Community, ab sofort werden bei Gast-Uploads Punkte vergeben. Einen Pluspunkt gibt es, wenn ihr einen fehlerfreien Gast-Upload macht....
Activity details: 1, the station: Beijing Time: at 13:30 on September 13, 2014 Location: Zhichun district (to prevent unauthorized personnel fled,...
Don't mind the site being so sluggish today. It seems to be a problem with the datacenter and is out of our control. All you can do is just be...
We made a couple of weeks a fix on our donations page that has inadvertently made the VISA payment method has not been available for the majority...
Hello all, This is a reminder that PreToMe cannot exist without your continued support. To give back to those that want to donate, we will be...
Some .torrents are unavailable and either do nothing when you try to fetch them or give a server error (HTTPS). We are aware of the problem and...
Our hosting provider is not very communicative, which is why we currently have no information about what caused it or how they fixed it. All we...
Olyanod nincs ami nekem nem lenne. Ezzel nem azt akarom mondani, h hermafrodita vagyok. :D Mondom pm-be küldj egy e-mail címet és meghívlak....