Added Some Features. We have added Some Great features for all members. Features are as follows: 1. For Uploading a new torrent u will be...
Turkeys top religious body has handed down a fatwa in response to a question raised on the issue of illegal downloading. Obtaining content...
Twilight zoom is up and running.Nothing was lost and all is well
A Pirate Bay bár visszatért, és ő maga, illetve klónjai jelentőségét nem szabad megkérdőjelezni, azért az elmúlt évben jópár egyéb nagy torrent...
8 éves lett az Insane, és ahogy Ők is írják, kicsit szomorú a születésnap, mivel a PREtorians a mai napon szűnt meg. Ahogy azt már leírtuk mi is,...
New home for HDQueen 后花园乔迁新居! 特向每位后宫发送5枚邀请,发送邀请等级暂时降至 User 请各位尽情地招揽自己的后宫吧! 後花園喬遷新居! 特向每位後宮發送5枚邀請,發送邀請等級暫時降至 User 請各位盡情地招攬自己的後宮吧! HDQueen to...
Move away from Hotmail If you use hotmail as registered e-mail at this site, you will need to change it to a non-hotmail one. Hotmail is...
Theme of the month February 2015 -70s MOVIES - for every uploaded on "Movies of the 70s" in February 2015 you will receive 5 Gb, another 3 Gb if...
Hab/TCO Encode of the Month As you may or may not know, Tehconnection has had it's own encoding project running for quite some time:...
GFT Radio Hello fellow GFT members: Many of you probably don't know that we have an online radio. We're looking for anybody that has any free...
Many uploaders at KickassTorrents have voiced their frustration after tens of thousands of files disappeared from the site in a few days....
Site will be Invite only Morning all, from tomorrow 1st February, the site will be invite only, so if you want any of you friends to join you on...
Délelőtt még azt írtuk, hogy holnap fog elindulni a Pirate Bay. Nos, tévedtünk, de a szerencsésebbik módon, ugyanis a site váratlanul, a 15 óra...
The Pirate Bay has risen from its digital ashes once again. TPB is back online today, more than seven weeks after its servers were raided . The...
After massive raid of 12th Dec. 2014 TPB is Officially back. All the features are now working yet there are still some glitches. Registering ain't...
At some point this weekend the site may have some down time as we switch from V3 to V4. Sorry for the inconvenience! HD4Free :: Login
"We provide advance notice to affected users unless prohibited by court order." Who knew that the front page of the Internet would be a source...
Apparently, Netflix appeared to have hefty financial incentive not to block members using VPN services. The matter is that over 30 million of its...
Bonjours , comme dis dans des précédents messages nous souhaitons agrandir la communauté de so-torrent, le tracker et maintenant stable plus de...
Ratio Free Spotlight January 30 - February 6 New RFS for January 30 - February 6 Big League Cinesummit III (2015) Can You Afford to Wait 10...
TheGeeks Weekend Freeleech Has A New Home FLOTW Has A New Home! The Free Leech Of The Week has a new forum, all for itself:...
We are closed, invite only now, but only VIP+ can give invites.
To commemorate our first year online we are having a week of freeleech starting now and ending next Sunday at midnight. Thanks to you our...
Február elsejével több fontos dolog is történik. Egyrészt lapozhatunk a naptárban egyet, másrészt pedig ahogy a címben látható torrentoldalak...
Five men in the UK have pleaded guilty to conspiracy to defraud for their participation in the unlawful release of movies onto the Internet. The...
After very The LONG TIME OF 21 DAYS HDRush is back online , We appologies to all the members of site , We Hope all members will again come to site...
Get Adopted? Ladies, and gents.. Ladyboys and boygirls welcome to the HDAccess Orphanage. So this is how this shall work. You post who you want...
If anyone still believes that bitcoin is magically anonymous internet money, the US government just offered what may be the clearest demonstration...
VPN users are facing a massive security flaw as websites can easily see their home IP-addresses through WebRTC. The vulnerability is limited to...
Show/Hide February Upload Contest by DjangoKillDonated £12 at 2015-01-26 We will be running contests each week in February and paying out bonuses...