Things have been a bit slow lately, so lets get some new blood here. I think a lot of you probably have someone you would invite, because you...
Theme of the month March 2015 - Sci Fi MOVIES - for every uploaded on "Science fiction Movies" in March 2015 you will receive 5 Gb, another 3 Gb...
Open registrations, again. WeBop has announced that it will be shutting its doors on March 10th. It is unfortunate to see another torrent site...
Icônes des Catégories-Torrents manquants !? Nous avons ajouté de nouvelles catégories, mais certaines non pas leur "Icône propre"! Correction...
Part 2 1. Do you keep ANY logs which would allow you to match an IP-address and a time stamp to a user of your service? If so, exactly what...
Part 1 VPN services have become an important tool to counter the growing threat of Internet surveillance, but unfortunately not all VPNs are as...
Bitsoup Security Fundraiser! Only 40% of February's cost was covered by our members. This puts us at a 60% deficit going into March before it...
FLOTW Special - A Tribute to Leonard Nimoy With Fond Memories TG Honours [MEDIA] Leonard Nimoy 1931 - 2015 Help us pay tribute to this geek...
Ratio Free Spotlight February 27 - March 1 New RFS for February 13 - 20 R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy 1931 - 2015 [MEDIA] To help honour Mr. Nimoy's...
Need More Bonus Points?:clap::clap::clap::clap: As an incentive to help keep the site going we're decide to add 2000 Bonus Points for every Euro...
As predicted here on TF in January, an HD copy of Fifty Shades of Grey has just leaked onto the Internet from a Chinese source. But while hundreds...
Screw Xbox Live, Freeleech on Star Trek! In all seriousness, Leonard Nimoy had a long and amazing career, but none of his roles so impacted our...
The site Is Invite Only! Donate This site relies on your donations to stay online. Once you donate you will boost your share ratio and get a VIP...
27.02.2015 - Moving forward Dear members, As some of you might guess, thanks to a wonderful person, we are finally proud to announce that we...
本站长期招募 为更好的为大家分享更多优质资源,HDtime长期招募: 【压制人员】 要求台式机,无经验可学习,上传≥400K 【录制人员】 要求能录制高清频道 【发布人员】 转载或发布自有及其他资源 【DIY原盘】 有经验或无经验均可,上传≥400K 【字幕人员】...
The MPAA is one of the ICANN partners shaping future policy for the domain name system. With Hollywood being the driving force behind the group...
Last two days of open sign-up for this year! We counting the last days with open gates .So go tell your...
German internet entrepreneur Kim Dotcom has been dealt another financial blow after PayPal stopped processing customer payments for his cloud...
Andrus Ansip, Europe's Vice-President for the Digital Single Market, wants to abolish geoblocking. Restricting user access to content based on...
网站恢复暨延长全站免费时间的通告 经过技术维护人员昼夜不懈的努力,终于使伺服器恢复正常工作!这一切离不开广大HDSkyer们一如既往的 宝贵鼓励与默默支持!在此,向默默在后台进行维护的技术人员致敬!向支持本站的全体HDSkyer表示感谢...
After coming under intense pressure PayPal has closed the account of cloud-storage service Mega. According to the company, SOPA proponent Senator...
Today, 03:42 am - Read to all! - Added by Wkao Any torrent without proper info eg BDInfo or screenshots shall be deleted whether it has 100...
Remegjenek a térdek, és izzadjanak a tenyerek, már otthon is megnézhetjük a Szürke 50 árnyalatát, ami az elmúlt hetek – hónapok talán legjobban...
TVV 1,000 Movie Milestone! We have surpassed 1,000 uploaded TV movies! Great work, now let's celebrate with dinner and a movie! Clicky the TV...
Posted by A*** (26-Feb-2015 ) We have reached 100% on donations and I would like to thank all members that donated, and also everyone else...
The U.S Department of Justice has accused a 28-year-old Dutchman of stealing pre-release digital copies of the Hollywood blockbusters How Do You...
Kim Dotcom was in court today pleading for access to his seized assets. A reportedly "destitute" Dotcom asked for the release of US$152,000 a...
Feb-26-2015 - Posted by: S*** Welcome: We hope you enjoy your stay (spread the word) & join in the fun with our ever growing community. If you...
Competition area 1.Guess the babys weight? 2.Guess The Vocal Artist? 3.Speed Lotto 4.Ongoing Banner comp.. Please,Login on the site Click on...
News created 8 hours ago : Dear users ! Please welcome the Subway Jade Rabbit and Omega Diatribe bands debut and ManGoRise new music video !...