Announcement: 2015 Bitsoup Security Q1 Bitsoup Security Fundraiser! Hello All Here is the proof everyone's been asking for. We didn't badger...
Physical counterfeiters can receive up to 10 years in jail under UK copyright law but should online pirates receive the same maximum punishment? A...
Hi guys, Firstly, I apologize for the issues with the images. This will be rectified shortly, unfortunately the image hosting is broken and we...
New domain added for all UK members: This will avoid ISP restrictions/blockings in the UK.
Point System v0.2 Hello everyone, we apologize for this delay in posting updates. But we are happy to announce that Point System v0.2 is...
European TV Shows Recording. Dear users,we want this place to have not only Romanian tv shows but tv shows from all over Europe.So,if you have a...
The new update of the popular torrent client uTorrent is installing a garbage app EpicScale which, according to some virus scanners, is a Bitcoin...
μTorrent 3.4.2: We've banned this latest version of μTorrent upon discovering it contains cryptocurrency mining adware. For more information, see...
We'd like to make a quick announcement regarding exclusive content. We as staff spend a large amount of time responding to reports of the...
Some have already noticed, right now we are on a week-old backup. Please hold on before uploading lots of torrents and stuff. Our main webserver...
Many users of the popular BitTorrent client uTorrent are complaining about it silently installing a cryptocurrency miner with a recent update. The...
Utorrent 3.4.2 will be banned very soon. So if you are using it consider using other build. We recommend using utorrent 2.0.4 or 2.2.1. Yet...
2015.03.06 - Warning about the latest uTorrent ! µTorrent 3.4.2 has been proved that it installs a cryptominer without the user's consent or...
A new report published by the United States Trade Representative has listed the world's largest BitTorrent sites and cyberlockers as some of the...
CHANGES TO MILLIONAIRE'S VAULT AND INTRODUCING A NEW CURRENCY Heya all, Global freeleech has become something that is happening far too often...
The day has come! Nov 2004 Bitsoup became real. Dec 2004 Bitsoup opened its doors for the first time. That was over 10yrs ago. When we first...
A new primetime CSI show about cyber crime is to debut Wednesday on CBS, but it's already making its way on to pirate sites. Featuring Patricia...
Hi ExDesians, I hope all of you are looking fine. We come up with this wonderful plan of allowing our users to Request their Favorite Movies,...
Tracker is running few firewall bugs will be fixed shortly.
WordPress has scored an important victory in court against a man who abused the DMCA to censor an article of a critical journalist. The court...
A site to rival the beauty of any pirate movie service on the planet has been shutdown almost before anyone had even heard of it. Named after the...
Referrals Review. I have now issued this period's referrals. As a one off members with left over unused referrals have been allowed to carry them...
BE CAREFUL! Dear Members of the community The-Torrents: Accounts with no activity will be deleted. Take care of your accounts....
IRC announce channel going invite-only For a while, our automated IRC announce channel, #SciHD-Announce, has been freely open to join. To provide...
Due to technical problems, the popular TV-torrent site EZTV has been unreachable for the greater part of the day. While there's currently no ETA...
The registry behind the Somalian .SO TLD has banned more "Kickass" related domain names, citing illegal activities. The actions target,...
TV Shows delay We are sorry for the delay. We are moving to another dedi which has more space to sustain our 0day tv shows until seasons are...
Following a hearing last month during which agreement was sought between entertainment companies and Swedish ISP Bredbandsbolaget, the provider...
This month ILT celebrates her 10th birthday!!! We here at ILT would like to personally thank all our members for everything they've contributed...
March 2015 Mod Choices Here's another portion of mod picks for March.... What else... I know, I'm gonna copy/paste what I copy/pasted what polly...